To describe surface features and muscle groups of the back

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133557360

Assignment: Anatomy Introduction & Back

There is no word count just do a high yield detail response to each question. This is a Medical Doctor Course assignment.

Question A. To define and demonstrate the following terms relative to the anatomical position: medial, lateral, proximal, distal, superior, inferior, deep, superficial, palmar, plantar, anterior/ventral, posterior/dorsal, and caudal.

Question B. To describe the following anatomical planes: axial / transverse / horizontal, sagittal and coronal.

Question C. To define and demonstrate the terms used to describe the movements of the limbs and vertebral column: flexion, extension, lateral flexion, pronation, supination, abduction, adduction, medial and lateral rotation, inversion, eversion, plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, protraction, retraction and circumduction.

Question D. To describe the basic characteristics of various systems of the body: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and lymphatic. To understand the basic principles of radiology.

Question E. To understand the organization and mechanism of the peripheral nervous system. Back: At the end of this section, students should be able...

Question F. To describe the main anatomical features of a typical vertebra; identify the atlas, axis, typical cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebrae and sacrum and recognize their characteristic features.

Question G. To describe the structures, regions and functions of the vertebral column; describe the range of movement of the entire vertebral column and its individual regions; explain what makes spinal injuries stable and unstable.

Question H. To describe the anatomy of intervertebral facet joints and intervertebral discs; explain the role of the discs in weight bearing by the vertebral column and give examples of common disc lesions, and how they may impinge upon spinal nerve roots and / or the spinal cord.

Question I. To interpret standard diagnostic images of the vertebral column and be able to recognize common abnormalities.

Question J. To identify the principal muscle groups and ligaments of the vertebral column and surface features in order to be able to perform an examination of the back, discuss their functional role in stability and movement of the vertebral column and describe the anatomical basis of back pain.

Question K. To describe surface features and muscle groups of the back; the functions of major muscles of back and their innervation.

Question L. To describe the anatomy of a spinal nerve (e.g., as exemplified by a thoracic spinal nerve, including its origin from dorsal and ventral spinal roots, its main motor and cutaneous branches and any autonomic component.

Question M. To describe the anatomical relationships of the meninges to the spinal cord and dorsal and ventral nerve roots, particularly in relation to root compression and the placement of epidural and spinal injections; describe the anatomy of lumbar puncture.

Reference no: EM133557360

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