To derieve the cost of keeping maintenance

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM13197539

Say your parents give you a car for your birthday. It is not the new model you wanted, but it's in very good condition. They bought it used for $15,000 market value. The cost of keeping the car to you is not counting maintenance and operation cost is:

Reference no: EM13197539

Questions Cloud

Percentage change in monthly payment : Are either of the caps violated and what is the percentage change in monthly payment from year 1 to year 5?
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Explain the concept of opportunity cost : Using the concept of opportunity cost, explain why in developed countries with higher average incomes there is more support for costly environmental controls.
To derieve the cost of keeping maintenance : Say your parents give you a car for your birthday. It is not the new model you wanted, but it's in very good condition.The cost of keeping the car to you is.
Demonstrate the charging of optimal price for the product : Suppose a firm has a constant marginal cost of $10. The current price of the product is $25, and at that price, it is estimated that the price elasticity of demand is -3.0.
Explain short-run total variable cost : Suppose you are to specify a short-run total variable cost function for a nursing home. Explain the variables you would include in the function.
To improve the standard of living : To improve its standard of living, a nation’s economy must  remain stable, grow through innovation or else.
To estimate the coefficients mean : You have been hired by a local used car dealer to help in their pricing of used cars. then what the estimated coefficients mean for each of these regressions.


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Consumption per capita as a function of ? and s. e. Golden Rule consumption if ? = 10%. (Hint: Find the s that maximizes consumption)

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Draw a indifference curve and degree of substition betweem goods: When the two goods are imperfect substitudes for each other, and assuming diminshing marginal rate of substitution.

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Elucidate why population growth has such a negative impact on economic growth in the Malthusian and Neoclassical growth models.

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