To analyse and comprehend a provided er diagram

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13312094

• To analyse and comprehend a provided ER diagram
• To update the ER diagram using provided specifications
• To create and update normalized relations of the data from the provided ER
• To create and update Database Schema
• To implement a database based on the provided ER diagram
• To write required SQL statements to query the database

You must use consistent and legible formatting in laying out your SQL queries. Include (brief) comments for any query or procedure that uses an "unusual" approach. The following reports are required:
1. A list of all of the names and phone numbers of all suppliers in alphabetical order by contact name.
2. A list of all corporate customers and their contact details.
3. List all supplier products that begin with an A (either upper case or lower case).
4. A list of all customers (id and name) together with their event(s) including date, time and type of the event.
5. A list of the contact details (names, postal address and phone number) of all of the customers who have requested more than one event.
6. Display each event and all of the details of staff who have worked on the event.
7. Display a list of products that have expired in the last year.
8. Display the item id and the difference between the default price and cost (ITECH5006 - together with a percentage markup) of all products.
9. Display the individual and total product price less cost for an event.
10. Display the staff id(s) for each event together with their cost i.e. what was paid to them in salary,wages and penalties.

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Reference no: EM13312094

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