To accept numbers of integers entered at command line

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM132107382

Program using C#

This is an imcomplete code of a C# program which is supposed to accept any numbers of integers entered at the command line and display their sum.

When it is completed, the screen shows the use of 'cd', 'dir', and 'csc' commands, and the execution with output of this program with three integers, 100, 99, and -33.

It can actually accept more input numbers, if you want. Because two lines in the given code are not completed, it cannot be compiled and executed. There is a line you must complete for a for-loop to work, and another line to fix so it displays the sum on screen.

using System;

class Assignment1


public static void Main(string[] myInput)


int i, sum = 0;

Console.WriteLine("\nYou entered " + myInput.Length + " numbers:");


// Problem (1) Fix next line to complete the header of making a for loop......


for ()


Console.Write(myInput[i] + " ");

sum = sum + Int32.Parse(myInput[i]);



// Problem (2) Fix next line so the actual sum is displayed......


Console.WriteLine("\n\nSum of your input numbers = ");

Console.WriteLine("\nGood Bye!");



Example Output:

You Entered 3 Numbers:
100 99 -33

Sum of your input numbers = 166

Reference no: EM132107382

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