TMGT 3040 Land Use Management and Tourism Assignment

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM133118474

TMGT 3040 Land Use Management and Tourism - Thompson Rivers University

Term Project Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to examine a personal ‘place of interest' (land) that is related to your professional interest in tourism, and prepare a 3000 word report to demonstrate your understanding of ‘modernized land use planning' as applied to that ‘place of interest', and supporting your professional interest in tourism. This assignment is designed to develop your writing and critical thinking skills.

• Title page
• Table of contents
• List of figures (map/s, etc.)
• Introduction
o Purpose . . . think of course ‘learning outcomes' and term project learning
o Rationale . . . assuming that ‘modernized land use planning' is ‘state of the art', then how do the principles apply to your ‘place of interest'? This is an opportunity to consider land use planning principles/practices, research aspects of your ‘place of interest' and offer critical comment on how you might contribute to land use planning and tourism at this place of interest toward a more sustainable future for tourism.
o Topics to be covered . . .
• Modernized Land Use Planning in British Columbia
o Defining characteristics
o Summary of features
• Place of interest description
o Geographical location
o Tourist destination history and qualities
o Land status (public/private/etc.)
o Players . . . who's involved . . . tourism representation? . . . potential contacts?
o Decision-making approach
• Interpretation of ‘modernized land use planning' principles applied to your ‘place of interest' in theory, and in practice
• Critical thinking and comment on ‘modernized land use planning' relative to your ‘place of interest' and your conclusions and recommendations toward a sustainable future.
• References
• Format your paper according to academic standard practice (APA standards you use in the program) Reference, and cite references, according to the same standard practice.

Attachment:- Land Use Management and Tourism.rar

Reference no: EM133118474

Questions Cloud

Effective annual return of the bond : a) A bond issued by ENBRIDGE INC on September 2, 1999 was purchased on March 8, 2022 at index 103. This bond has a coupon rate of 5.75% per year capitalized sem
What impact does the amortization period : What impact does the amortization period have on:
Inflammation and Healing : What is inflammation? What agents are used to treat inflammation? What is granulation tissue? How are scars formed? What are adhesions?
Diversion of opinion hypothesis : Briefly explain in 50 words why IPOs underperform over the long-run under the diversion of opinion hypothesis.
TMGT 3040 Land Use Management and Tourism Assignment : TMGT 3040 Land Use Management and Tourism Assignment Help and Solution, Thompson Rivers University - Assessment Writing Service
What is the annualized cost of the bank? loan : Paymaster Enterprises has arranged to finance its seasonal? working-capital needs with a? short-term bank loan. The loan will carry a rate of 15 percent per ann
Physical therapy : Who is considered the consumer in Physical Therapy? Why is it important to meet the needs of consumers? Why is it important to meet the needs of consumers?
How much you will have accumulated in the account : 1. You have $1,500 to invest today at 7% interest compounded for 3 years.
Horizon of possibilities for stocks within the next year : Select the most likely risk scenario and tell us what steps should be taken to manage, minimize and mitigate against that risk.


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