Reference no: EM133142773 , Length: word count: 2000 words
TITP 105 The IT Professional Assignment - Kent Institute Australia
Unit Learning Outcomes -
-Describe a variety of roles for IT professionals and the personal, social, ethical and legal impacts arising from their work.
-Assess the relationship between IT professionals and the issues of ethics, corporate citizenship and governance.
-Describe the professional associations that are available to IT professionals and the role that they play.
-Critically review IT professional Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct, and develop a personal ethical framework.
-Work effectively as part of a team in the production of a group report; understand and communicate organizational and management information effectively in a business context.
Assessment Task - Group Report on a particular topic. The report will be expected to address all the issues raised by the selected topic and make recommendations to address the problems.
ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION - In this group project, you will work in teams of 3-4 students to provide IT consulting for ensuring privacy and security of data to an organization (business or non-profit) of your choice. The groups will be formed at the beginning of the trimester and should sustain for all the group activities across the study period.
Your group will need to find and outline real case studies related to one of the following issues:
-Software Piracy
-Cyber Security
-Ethical use of IT resources
-Digital Privacy
-Threats of social media
-Open-source vs proprietary software
-Net neutrality
-Impact of IT on Health Care
-Green Computing
-Freedom of expression in Internet
You are required research, review and summarise case studies and make recommendations to resolve the issue in a 2000-word report.
The report structure is as follows:
1. Title Page
2. Executive Summary (200 words)
3. Table of Contents
4. Introduction (150 words)
5. Background (150 words)
6. 3 case study summaries chosen from real IT businesses which relate to the relevant issue your group has chosen. (900 words)
7. Recommendations to address the issue based on what you've learnt in The IT Professional. (500 words)
8. Conclusion (100 words)