Tintoretto paints of mannerist influence on religious works

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Reference no: EM13326128

1. Raphael is notable for the Madonna Cherubs and The School of Athens, frescos decorating the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums.

True or false

2. Along with Giorgione di Castelfranco, Titian painted only religious works of the Madonna and the child Jesus commissioned by Pope Julius II.

True or False

3. Self portraits are characteristic of Albrecht Durer’s style of painting in which he chronicles his life through art with his signature boxlike capital A framing a capital D.

True or False

4. In The Crucifixion, Tintoretto paints of the Mannerist influence on his religious works.

True or False

5. Albrecht Altdorfer is notable as the first German painter to do landscapes, as depicted in the Landscape with Satyr Family, the Danube Landscape and the Landscape with Footbridge.

True or False

6. Along with Cellini, Lavinia Fontana painted portraits of women designed to show the prosperousness of ladies in the Renaissance.

True or False

7. Landscape paintings of peasants are characteristic of Bruegel’s works, which also include satirical themes of governmental waste in Children’s Games and proverbial scenes.

True or False

8. As in Bacchus, the German painter, Caravaggio solely paints secular works denying the influence of the Catholic Church on the Renaissance.

True or False

9. Bernini is known for his many marble fountains and busts, which include The Tomb of Pope Urban VIII, The Bust of Costanza Bonarelli, and the Fountain of Four Rivers.

True or False

10. Along with John Locke, Thomas Hobbs believes that “All that is real is material, and what is not material is not real”, strengthening the Materialist movement.

True or False

11. Justifying God to men is characteristic in Moliere’s epic poem Paradise Lost as well as in Paradise Regained wherein he writes of the creation of Heaven and Earth, the origins of sins and political ideals of tyranny.

True or False

12. In Discourse on Method, Haydn writes of accepting the truth, dividing the problem into equal parts, start with the simplest issue and reviewing each situation.

True or False

13. Along with Matthias Grunewald, Giovanni Castiglione painted strictly religious frescos such as Grunewald’s Crucifixion and Castiglione’s Alexander at the Tomb of Cyrus.

True or False

14. Garden of Earthly Delights is notable as a deeply religious painting created by the Dutch/German painter Hieronymous Bosch, which is typical of his rough surface painting in comparison to the traditional Flemish smooth surface.

True or False

15. The Medici family is notable for controlling Florence during the 1400’s using their banking fortune to support the arts, artists and public life.

True or False

16. In Florence, the Dominican preacher, Fra Savonarola, used his influence on the populace to reform the city that he believed was degenerating due to the arts and became de facto ruler of the city before his execution for defying the pope.

True or False

17. Along with Machiavelli, Erasmus preached of a Christian Humanism where Christianity could help reform social ideals.

True or False

18. Female beauty is characteristic in Sandro Botticelli’s art, which was idealized in his work The Birth of Venus and La Primavera by depicting goddesses with long flowing blonde hair and pearly white skin.

True or False

19. In The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci paints with the knowledge he gained in Mathematics with lines converging to one central point, Jesus.

True or False

20. Donatello is notable for The Last Judgment, the last painting rendered in the infamous Sistine Chapel behind the main altar.

True or False

21. Along with Bramante and Rafael, Michelangelo used his knowledge of architecture to rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

True or False

22. An attractive melody as well as the glory of God are characteristics of Baroque music which was furthered by the work of Johann Sebastian Bach.

True or False

23. In his ninety-five thesis, Martin Luther glorifies the Roman Catholic doctrine of indulgences where forgiveness of punishment for sins is obtained through prayer along with payment.

True or False

24. The Council of Trent is notable for the infamous Index of forbidden Biblical books as well as the Counterreformation during which the Catholic Church considers Luther’s suggestions.

True or False

Reference no: EM13326128

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