Timely actions and recommendations to assist patient

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133523478

Eugenia Mason is a 48- year-old nurse who lives with her husband in a two-story house in the city. Eugenia's husband Syd has rheumatoid arthritis that restricts his mobility. The couple have two sons currently away at college.

Over a period of months Eugenia experienced increasing tiredness and weight loss. She also experienced nausea, pain in her abdomen, abdominal bloating, and constipation. She was treated for an abdominal obstruction and diagnosed with Stage 3A bowel cancer. She underwent a subtotal colectomy to remove the tumors and has an end ileostomy. Eugenia's past medical history includes left breast cancer which was treated successfully with a mastectomy and radiotherapy 5 years ago. She has lymph edema and chronic pain in her left arm.

Eugenia attends the outpatient oncology unit where you are completing your pre-graduate placement. She is receiving chemotherapy via a PICC in her right arm. The side effects of the chemotherapy are affecting her body image and the patient confides that she "wonders if her husband will still find her attractive." Eugenia tells you that sometimes she wakes up at night "feeling worried." She asks you about taking Black Cohosh, which she can buy from the local Traditional Chinese Herbalist as a friend told her it was "good for anxiety".

1. Review the case scenario. Explore the scenario from both the nursing, health, and psychosocial perspectives.

2. Generate relevant and timely actions and recommendations to assist the patient (and their family) in the situation to obtain the highest level of wellness possible.

3. Discuss your process of finding, retrieving, and analyzing best practice information to develop an approach to a care plan for the patient and their family in the given case narrative (the assignment is not a Nursing Care Plan).

4. Include discussion of at least one College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Standard or Guideline and how the Standard or Guideline is relevant to the case scenario.

Reference no: EM133523478

Questions Cloud

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Literature review to discuss a contemporary issue : Literature review to discuss a contemporary issue which an IS professional may experience and identify appropriate approaches to address this issue


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