Time value of money

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM13845

Time Value of Money 

 One of the projects the US loan would fund is to build earthquake-resistant buildings. The project will begin in March 2013, last for two years and is expected to have the following expenditures: start-up costs of $200,000 paid at the beginning of the first month; rental of equipment to be paid at the beginning of the month that will be $100,000 each month for the first year, but $50,000 each month for the second year;

material costs to be paid at the end of each month that will be $30,000; personnel costs of

$100,000 to be paid at the end of each month; and end-of-project clean-up costs of

$100,000 that will be paid at the end of the last month (February 2015). Suppose that with the fiscal cliff looming in March 2013, Secretary Kerry is only willing to allocate

$3,000,000 of the US loan at the start of the project due to this concern. These funds are put into an account that pays interest at a stated annual rate of 12 percent, compounded monthly. Calculate how much this project needs at the beginning of the second year that would be necessary to cover its expected expenditures.

Reference no: EM13845

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