Reference no: EM132809170
Time series are particularly useful to track variables such as revenues, costs, and profits over time. Time series models help evaluate performance and make predictions.
Time series decomposition seeks to separate the time series (Y) into 4 components: trend (T), cycle (C), seasonal (S), and irregular (I). What is the difference between these components?
The model can be additive or multiplicative.When we do use an additive model? When do we use a multiplicative model?
The following list gives the gross federal debt(in millions of dollars) for the U.S. every 5 years from 1945 to 2000:
Year Gross Federal Debt ($millions)
1945 260,123
1950 256,853
1955 274,366
1960 290,525
1965 322,318
1970 380,921
1975 541,925
1980 909,050
1985 1,817,521
1990 3,206,564
1995 4,921,005
2000 5,686,338
Construct a scatter plot with this data. Do you observe a trend? If so, what type of trend do you observe?
Use Excel to fit a linear trend and an exponential trend to the data. Display the models and their respective r^2.
Interpret both models. Which model seems to be more appropriate? Why?
Which ollection from average receivables are
: That is it's from the cash sales, advances from customers, collection from average receivables are?Are included in cash budget if these are received
Identification of favorable and unfavorable variances
: Why is the identification of favorable and unfavorable variances so important to a company?
Ls flt strategy one of product differentiation
: ls FlT's strategy one of product differentiation or cost leadership? FIT manufactures wearable fitness devices FIT devices include special features
Overview of the strategic planning process
: You are a member of the strategic planning department at Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited (CAVU) Innovations, the current leading designer of senior citizen
Time series are particularly useful to track variables
: Time series are particularly useful to track variables such as revenues, costs, and profits over time.
What maximum profit is
: If there are 100 potential customers of each type, and the restaurant must charge the same price to all customers, its maximum profit is
Strengths and weaknesses of the on-the-job training
: When TPK, an manufacturer of small appliances - electric kettle, toasters, and irons - automated its warehouse, the warehouse crew was reduced
Major changes made to tax provisions by act
: What are the major changes made to the tax provisions by the Act? How have the changes in taxes affected you personally?
Record the amount of interests that can be capitalized
: Calculate and record the amount of interests that can be capitalized. The amount was entirely borrowed from the bank at an annual interest rate of 4%.