Time of death is very important in homicide investigation

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Reference no: EM133338036

1. Topic: Variables

Read the following article in preparation for your discussion posting:

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2005). High-risk drinking in college: What we know and what we need to learn.

1. Identify one independent variable from the article.

2. Identify one dependent variable from the article.

3. Form a hypothesis statement that shows how the independent and dependent variables you have identified are related.

Hint: It is best to use the following structure for your hypothesis statement:

(Subjects) with (independent variable) are more/less likely to (dependent variable) than (subjects) without (independent variable).

2. Signs of a Struggle

What signs indicate a struggle by the victim? What does the struggle indicate to the investigator? If the victim is dead, what should the investigator do to the hands?

3. Time of Death

Determining the time of death is very important in a homicide investigation. Discuss how changes in the eyes can offer information on time of death.

Reference no: EM133338036

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