Tic-tac-toe game assignment

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13172272

Assignment 1(Java): Tic-Tac-Toe Game (Assignment 1 is attached)

Attachment:- Tic Tac Toe game.docx
This assignment consists of two (2) sections: 

  • a Java program file
  • a screen shot of the output and a description of your Java program

Use the concepts and scenario from Assignment 1 and continue with the tic-tac-toe game design and development.
Section 1: Java Program File
Improve your Java program from Assignment 1. According to your design, the program must:

  • Use 2D graphics, instead of text, to display the Xs and Os in the grids of the square- shaped buttons.
  • Use either decision logic or recursion in order to determine whether or not a player wins the game. That is, every time the player draws an X or O on the board, the program checks all possible combinations in order to see if the player wins the game. Note:There are a total of eight (8) possibilities to win the game. Your program should check each possibility for the player. The eight (8) possibilities are:

          - 3 across in the first row
          - 3 across in the second row
          - 3 across in the third row
          - 3 vertical in the first column
          - 3 vertical in the second column
          - 3 vertical in the third column
          - 3 diagonal like a backslash
          - 3 diagonal like a forward slash

  • Display a message which announces whether or not the player has won the game.
  • Include a sound effect that plays to declare a winner.
  • Reset the game once the player has won.

Section 2: Screen Shot of the Output and Description of Your Java Program
Create a screen shot of the output and include a description about your Java program.

  • Create a screen shot which shows the output of your Java program.  
  • Include a one (1) page description of your program. Note: Use MS Word for your program description, and place the screen shot of the output from your Java program into the Word file as an attached image.
  • Include a one (1) to three (3) paragraph pseudocode that illustrates the way in which you use either decision logic or recursion in order to determine whether or not the player wins the game.

Assignment 2: (Java) 
The following method, numPaths, is supposed to count the number of paths,

but it has some problems. Debug the method.

int numPaths(int row, int col, int n)


if (row == n)

return 1;


if (col == n)

return (numPaths + 1);


return (numPaths(row + 1, col) * numPaths(row, col + 1))

Assignment 3 (PL/SQL): 

Write a PL/SQL block to achieve the following:

Find out the average salary in the Employees table.

Then check the salary of each employee in the Employees table. If the salary of an employee is less than the Average Salary in the entire table, increase the salary of that employee by 10%.  If the Salary of an employee is greater than the Average salary in the Employees table, then decrease the salary of that employee by 15%.

Provide complete code of your PL/SQL block using all relevant PL/SQL sections.

Note: All assignment need screen shot.


Reference no: EM13172272

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