Reference no: EM13376878 , Length: 3500 words
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to conduct individual and group instruction and demonstrate work skills, using existing learning resources in a safe and comfortable learning environment.
The unit covers the skills and knowledge required to determine the success of both the training provided and one's own personal training performance. It emphasizes the training as being driven by the work process and context.
You are required to find a practice environment where learning and assessment takes place to complete this assessment. If you are having trouble finding a suitably practice environment for this assessment you will need to discuss this with your facilitator / assessor.
Options may include but not limited to:
• Evidence gathered from your workplace, e.g., traineeship, mentoring, induction training Standard Operating Procedures, technical skills, implementation of new technology procedures
• Simulated scenario which is defined and negotiated with your facilitator
In order to be deemed competent in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to:
• Prepare and deliver a series of THREE training sessions
o Each training session must involve demonstrating and instructing particular work skills for different groups
o Each session must address different learning objectives and a range of techniques and effective communication skills appropriate to the audience
Documents to be submitted:
• Candidate Instructions and related Session Plans
• Assessment Checklist with feedback ( Assessors)
• Learning Environment Safety Checklist
• Self-Evaluation and Reflection Form
• Task Analysis Form
• Report development process, teaching/coaching techniques incorporated in the plan, planned assessment strategies, reflection on your performance and any changes for future sessions
You are required to prepare and deliver:
• THREE training sessions, two involving demonstrating and instructing particular work skills for different groups; one involving individual learner plan and coaching; with each session addressing:
• Different learning objectives
• A range of techniques and effective communication skills appropriate to the audience
Task 1 - Planning for Training
a. You are to plan, present and evaluate TWO training sessions on a workplace topics of your choice; you are to do this for TWO separate topics based on training through DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTION
Some topics may include but are not restricted to the following:
o Required skills and knowledge before a person attempts a new tasks, e.g. use of equipment, completing a form, colouring hair, handwashing for food safety, use of gloves
o How to perform a process / task such as changing a tyre on a light vehicle
o Importance, relevance and benefits of a specific work practice, e.g. time management, telephone courtesy, making appointments
o Work procedure such as a work safety procedure
b. Describe the learning context and job role. Complete a Job Task Analysis (see template provided), this is critical to planning the demonstration steps
c. Research, access existing learning resources and describe how they may be incorporated and contextualized to your training session. If no resources available then design your own resources and describe your choices.
d. Access to or create a session plan (see template provided), include instruction/demonstration objectives
e. Organise access to necessary equipment or physical resources required for instruction and demonstration
f. Confirm a safe learning environment (complete the OHS checklist in Templates provided)
g. Notify learners of details regarding the implementation of the learning program and / or delivery plan
These sessions may be assessed by your Teacher/Facilitator in a workshop environment or by negotiation with your Teacher/Facilitator may be assessed by your workplace supervisor (if qualified). the assessor checklist and feedback form is to be completed and submitted.
h. You are to plan a THIRD session based on training through COACHING
o Work with one of your team members to Identify a learning need
o Complete an individual Learning Plan (template provided)
o Develop a learning facilitation session plan to meet the learning need
o Conduct the learning facilitation session with the workshop participant
o Evaluate the session (see template for Coaching evaluation)
Your Teacher/Facilitator will assess your facilitation skills and provide feedback on your performance in a coaching activity (see specific observation checklist for Coaching template)
Task 2 - Deliver Training
During delivery you will need to demonstrate:
a. Demonstrate interpersonal skills with learners to establish a safe and comfortable learning environment
b. Brief learners on any OHS procedures and requirements prior to and during training
c. Follow the learning program and/or delivery plan ensuring you cover all the objectives
d. Use communication skills to assist learning
e. Provide opportunities for practice during instruction and through work activities
f. Provide and discuss feedback on learner performance to support learning
g. Use measures to ensure learners are acquiring and can use new technical and / or generic skills and knowledge
Task 3 - Conclude your Training
At the conclusion of your delivery you are required to :
• Monitor learner progress and outcomes in consultation with learner
• Review relationship between yourself and the learner and adjust to suit learner needs
• Reflect on personal performance in providing instruction and demonstration; document strategies for improvement (Self-evaluation template provided)
• Briefly document how you would maintain and store learner records in accordance with organisational and legal requirements