This imply about economist assumption

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM13956632

Please go to the following website.

You will then write 3-4 paragraphs to include:

a. What the video is about.

b. What you thought about the content of the material - remember, you don't have to agree with anything you see, hear or do in this class but you DO need to explain why you don't agree!

c. What does this imply about economist's assumption that we are all rational?

3. Hand in the assignment no later than Tuesday, January 26

Reference no: EM13956632

Questions Cloud

What is the probality that you will draw a dime : you are rolling a pair of dice, one red and one green. what is the probability of the following outcomes. a.the sum of the two numbers you roll is 11 b. the sum of the two numbers you roll is 7 c. the sum of the two numbers you roll is 13
Find resultant of this force system using analytic method : Three forces 300N, 500N, and 600N respectively, act of an angle of 120° from each other, find the resultant of this force system using the analytic method of the 300N force is acting along the x-axis.
CFD prediction of separated flow over a simplified car model : Apply a modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) (ANSYS CFX) approach for solving airflow over two- and three-dimensional Ahmed car model in order to explore the flow behaviour and to understand the underlying flow physics related to the flow pro..
Cash inflow from operating activities : Does not appear in the operating portion of the statement of cash flows prepared on an indirect basis.
This imply about economist assumption : What you thought about the content of the material - remember, you don't have to agree with anything you see, hear or do in this class but you DO need to explain why you don't agree!
What horizontal force will start the body : A body weighing 10 kg is on a horizontal plane. the coefficient of static friction is 0.20. What horizontal force will start the body?
The probability the person has been 37 cents : A person is given 4 coins each with equal and independent probabilities of being a nickel , a penny, a dime or a quarter. What is the probability the person has been 37 cents
How many times larger than 1/4x is 5x : The probability that Robin Hood hits a target is 5/6. The probability that Little John hits a target is 1/7. If Robin Hood and Little John each shoot one arrow at the target, what is the probability that they both miss?
What should be minimum diameters of input and output pistons : Your task is to design a hydraulic system. It must be able to lift a load of 3.0 metric tons using an input force of no more than 100 N. The pressure of the hydraulic fluid in the system must not exceed 10.0 bar during this lift. What should be..


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