Reference no: EM13476840
Purpose: This assignment is designed to challenge your mind and expand your intellectual horizons. You may use this assignment as an opportunity (or excuse) to do something you otherwise might not do, for example-take a trip to an X-rate movie or a sermon or lecture relative to a sexual topic. You may go by yourself or with others. This should provide new insight to expand your personal knowledge and views from a new, personally enriching perspective. Two points will be deducted for every day your paper is late beginning after class on December 2nd, including weekends.
Interview a health care provider at a Family Planning Clinic
Interview a member of a Nudist Colony
Interview a professional who helps individuals who have been sexually abuse (ex: social worker, counselor)
Attend a Strip Show or interview a stripper (male or female)
Visit a Swinger's Bar, Visit a Gay Bar
Attend a Divorce Court proceeding; Interview someone who has experienced divorce
Visit a Pornographic Movie Theater
View an adult video
Visit an Adult Book Store
Attend a Drag Show
Interview or speak with a minister, priest, or rabbi regarding aspects of sexuality; ask if you can participate in a group session, or discuss sexual counseling
Interview a prostitute, a police officer, lawyer, stripper, or other people who are involved in the legal/entertainment/psychological/business aspects of sexual issues.
NOTE: Discuss your ideas and options with your discussion leader. Use your best judgment for this activity. Do not participate in anything illegal. Choose an activity that is safe and doesn't put you in danger. Neither the instructor nor the discussion leaders will be responsible for your behaviors or negative consequences as a result of your field trip.
Procedure: Once you have completed your field trip, answer all of the following questions. Your paper must be typed and no less than 2 pages.
1. Why did you choose this activity for your field trip?
2. Describe any new knowledge and/or feelings you acquired as a result of the project. Do you feel any different toward the event/people than before?
3. Does the event/people have an appropriate place in our society? Why?
4. What are your impressions of other people attending the event?
5. What are your impressions of people participating in the event?
6. Evaluate the worth of the project to you personally.
7. Would you recommend the experience to others? Why or why not?
8. How does the project relate to the course?