This includes assessing the organizations strategy and

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Reference no: EM13476575

For this assignment, you will choose an organization to analyze. This organization can be one you are personally familiar with, or one you have observed to be an effective organization, You now become a newly appointed senior leader in that organization.

As a new leader, you must prepare a report for the CEO that assesses the organization's overall alignment between its vision, mission, values, and strategy. This report should consist of the following sections:

An analysis of the strategic cascade of the organization

This includes assessing the organization's strategy and market position. Use the framework implied in Michael Porter's (1997) article "What is Strategy." When describing the business strategy of your organization, consider the following questions:

  • What is the target market?
  • What is your organization's value proposition ?
  • How is your product or service positioned in the market?
  • How is your organization sustainably different from your competitors?

Reference no: EM13476575

Questions Cloud

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