Thinking about the concept of transformational learning

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132823883


As stated by Mezirow, transformational learning refers to a significant change within someone from the inside out on many levels. Transformational learning is not simply learning or realizing something new, but rather, it is a profound change/ alteration in thinking, feeling, perceiving, values, and behaviours toward something. Mezirow believes that in order for true transformational learning to occur, a person must experience what he refers to as "the disorienting dilemma", where a person experiences a degree of fear, discomfort, unease, etc. during the transformation process. This "disorienting dilemma" is the foundational root cause/ trigger for the transformation which occurs. It is only through a significant alteration in what we are familiar and comfortable with that we may "transform" how we think about, feel about, and see something.

Reflect on your learning experiences as an adult while thinking about the concept of transformational learning.

  • Identify a time where you experienced transformation learning.
  • Describe your experience.
  • What or who caused this transformational learning?
  • What was the disorienting dilemma?
  • How did this experience, or series of events, transform (change) you?


Reflect on Malcolm Knowles adult learning principles. Which of these principles do you relate to the most (you may choose more than one), and do you feel has the greatest impact on your own learning? Explain how some of these adult learning principles relate to the learning experiences you have described in your previous posts so far (e.g. your significant learning moment, your transformative learning experience, you're learning preferences, etc.).


Tis section provides you with the opportunity to reflect on what you have addressed in all of our discussions so far, to draw from your learning experiences, and to put this into practice. How will your significant learning moments and what you have learned in the course thus far regarding adult learning, help to inform your practice as an adult learner, a trainer/ educator, and potential future HR Professional?

Reference no: EM132823883

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