Reference no: EM133775802
Sustainability, ESG and Business Ethics
Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Professional Accounting Advanced
Assessment Objective - In this reflective learning journal, students should focus on their personal responses, reactions and reflections to new ideas or new ways of thinking about environmental and social issues they have been introduced to through: their reading, research, regulations, lectures, class discussions and company reports. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate important learning events that had happened throughout the semester. They must keep the journal in stages as they are engaged in the learning as opposed to doing it retrospectively at the end; this process will examine their capacity for critical and reflexive thinking. This assessment provides an opportunity for students to be honest with themselves and to identify areas for growth and improvement. This report will be assessed based on the degree to which demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic, critical thinking and analysis and effective use of language. A high-quality report will excel in all three criteria, while a poor-quality report will fall short in one or more areas.
This assessment must be completed individually. Students submitted report should provide the following information:
Introduction: Begin your report by briefly introducing the context of your personal responses, reactions and reflections on new ideas or new ways of thinking about environmental and social issues on this unit (100 words).
Description: Provide a description of the experience of studying this unit, consider what you learned, skills you developed, the challenges you faced and how you overcame them (400 words).
Evaluation: Reflect on your responses, reactions and reflection to new ideas and new ways of thinking about environmental and social issues by evaluating your strengths and weaknesses in this area, what you did particularly well and what you could have done better, and what you might do differently if you were in a similar situation in the future. You need to be specific, provide examples, and focus on your personal development and the ethical identity that you developed by studying sustainability, ESG and business ethics (400 words).
Conclusion: Summarize your main insights and takeaways from the experience and the impacts of this experience on your learnings (100 words).