Think of social media movement or panic

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Reference no: EM133558379


1. Name and describe a contemporary (recent) example of a moral panic?

2. How does the media (including social media) contribute to myths and moral panics?

3. If the media has so much influence over policy, how can we ensure fair and just laws and practices?

4. Think of a social media movement or panic that was once popular but has since lost momentum. What caused the movement to lose momentum?

Reference no: EM133558379

Questions Cloud

Differences in criminology and criminal justice : Explain the similarities and differences between criminology and criminal justice.
Difficult and sometimes isolating : The transition from officer to supervisor is difficult and sometimes isolating. What are of the some issues that complicate the transition.
Criminal justice and public safety : what you know of leadership and its interface with criminal justice and public safety.
American people and government missed opportunity to learn : Can you think of any other examples in which the American people and government missed an opportunity to learn from its history?
Think of social media movement or panic : Think of a social media movement or panic that was once popular but has since lost momentum. What caused the movement to lose momentum?
Terrorists do not actually launder money : Has your definition of terrorist financing changed? Do you agree that terrorists do not actually launder money?
Public understanding of patrol functions : What could be done to improve the public's understanding of patrol functions, and what are "legal" uses of force, and what constitutes an "illegal" use of force
Theories that address deviancy and crime : Select a theory that best explains why a crime does or does not occur. Identify the theory and discuss criticisms of the theory.
Explain what moral panic : Explain what a moral panic is and how our fears/ideas about drugs can be considered a moral panic. Discusses the impact of the drug moral panic


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