Reference no: EM133347333
Encounter Point: Film Questionnaire
Who are the protagonists of Encounter Point? How would you characterize their identities? What norms are predominantly associated with those identities? (Pay attention to the norms that members of their communities share and how the protagonists follow them or not)
How has the social environment of the protagonists shaped their identities? Do you think that their identities can be easily changed? Why?
How do material and ideational factors come together to condition the behavior of the protagonists?
"Norm Entrepreneurs" (Finnemore and Sikkink) are actors (individuals, organizations or even states) that bring new norms to the political arena and champion them. If they are successful in this task (i.e., the norm is accepted by a majority of relevant players), the behavior of those involved will change to conform to the norm most of the time. Are there any "norm entrepreneurs" in this story? What norm do they champion? What strategies do they employ to advance the new norm?
Using Wendt's terms, who are Alter and Ego in the situation described by the film? What strategies are Alter and Ego implementing in order to change their Hobbesian security system? Do you think they can succeed? Why?
Can you think of a different real world situation where civil society was successful in a similar enterprise? What are the differences and similarities with this situation?
Did you find this film a useful way to think about international politics and Constructivism? Why?