Think of common sense saying about behavior

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Reference no: EM133470776


Think of a "common sense" saying about behavior (e.g., "Spare the rod, spoil the child"; "Like father, like son"; "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"). Develop a hypothesis that is suggested by the saying and a prediction that follows from the hypothesis. Remember, a hypothesis is a claim about "the way things are" that could be tested by some sort of data collection or experiment.

Reference no: EM133470776

Questions Cloud

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Think of common sense saying about behavior : Think of a "common sense" saying about behavior (e.g., "Spare the rod, spoil the child"; "Like father, like son"; "Absence makes the heart grow fonder")
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Were there recommendations for further research : Were the results discussed? Were there suggestions for practical implications? Were there recommendations for further research?
Explain the racial and ethnic disparity found in correction : You researched information about race and ethnicity in the courts and sentencing. Explain the racial and ethnic disparity found in corrections


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