Think communication channels

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Reference no: EM133455376


Pick a community health issue you believe your local community needs to be made more aware (examples- high blood pressure, cyber bullying, access to free health clinic, mental health help lines, etc.) Now discuss four advocacy tools that might make your community more aware of this health need and where to get help (think communication channels - where do people in your community receive there news about health?)

Reference no: EM133455376

Questions Cloud

Discuss in detail relationship between race, invisibility : Discuss in detail the relationship between race, invisibility, and visibility in 'Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner' and include quotations
Compare idealized and realistic parenting roles : Describe parenthood rewards and difficulties and compare idealized and realistic parenting roles.
What is the speaker emotional response : discuss how one of them does just that: expresses the speaker's response to an event that puts them off balance. Consider questions like
How have europes diverse culture influenced politics in past : How have the Europe's diverse cultures influenced politics in the past and today?
Think communication channels : Think communication channels - where do people in your community receive there news about health?
What is a strategic management : What is a strategic management and how is it applied to improve success in a career?
Design of government in general, with concise remarks : Design of Government in General, with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession Detailed explanation and mention
What made that specific diversity dimension stand out : Share an example of a time when one of your diversity dimensions was more prominent than others. What made that specific diversity dimension stand out?
What you found to be interesting about the organization : summarize what you found to be interesting about the organization and structure of the piece. What do you think motivated the author to make these choices?


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