Reference no: EM133548927
Section I: Briefly describe yourself (i.e., age, gender, sexual orientation - optional, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, religious and/or spirit convictions, personality - values and beliefs influencing your way(s) of being, thinking, and behaving, etc.). Using the material throughout the text, choose 2 developmental stages (e.g. Infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence, adulthood) and discuss how these stages of your life have influenced your development and how you see yourself presently.
Section II: Think about your own social development and identity formation in adolescence. Using Erikson's stages of psychosocial development pick either identity vs role confusion or intimacy vs isolation and focus on the major events or environments that you feel were most influential to your development across that particular developmental stage. Lastly, describe how you think your journey through the stage you choose has influenced who you are today.
Section III: Explain your position on the nature versus nurture debate prior to taking this class. What did you feel was most responsible for human development? Now consider how this course and its material has either changed your earlier viewpoint on this debate or has strengthened your earlier viewpoint. Finally, detail what you found to be the most important information on human growth and development.