Think about intelligence

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Reference no: EM133350167

When we think about intelligence, we think of such minds as Albert Einstein. We often see intelligence as academics, those who are book smart and can speak with complex vocabulary. This view of intelligence is only one part of overall intelligence. Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences shows us that even though there may be an overall level of intelligence, there are actually nine different types of intelligence. A child may be more intelligent in one type over another. This theory supports developmentally appropriate practices and encourages adults to see each child's strengths individually.

Choose one intelligence from the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and share how you would support this intelligence for a child in your care or home. What would you support, offer, do, or say? What would you not support, offer, do, or say? Use resources from this course or any other resources you may have on your own and share clear examples.

Reference no: EM133350167

Questions Cloud

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How does extraversion relate to an open attitude : How does Extraversion relate to an open attitude toward diversity as related to Costa and McCrae's Five-Factor Model of Personality?
Think about intelligence : When we think about intelligence, we think of such minds as Albert Einstein. We often see intelligence as academics,
Describe the components of the theory of planned behaviour : Describe the components of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Compose a realistic plan that could be implemented/applied to improve the prospect of members
Explain how this variable might interact : Explain how this variable might interact with one individual variable in the development of psychopathology. Provide an example and justify your response
Presentism which is unavoidable tendency to superimpose : 'Presentism' which is the unavoidable tendency to superimpose your experience on to experiences from the past that are unfamiliar to you.
Compare how attractive and less-attractive people are likely : Compare how attractive and less-attractive people are likely to have different outcomes in two different scenarios that have been evidenced by previous research


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