Reference no: EM131458275
1.a Which leadership style do you think was best for accomplishing a task, which style do you think is best for morale, and which style do you personally prefer, and why?( inspirational leadership, Charismatic leadership, transaction leadership, transformational leadership, moral leadership, Gender leadership, Authentic Leadership)
1.b Think about a leader that you know? What leadership style do they mostly exhibit? What power bases(coercive,reward, legitimate) do they mainly use? How effective do you believe this leader is and why?(inspirational leadership, Charismatic leadership, transaction leadership, transformational leadership, moral leadership, Gender leadership, Authentic Leadership)
1.c What are some leadership roles you have taken on? Which style/s do you tend to use? Which power base do you lead from? Make sure to ask someone who knows you well if they agree with your assessment. In your opinion, has this been effective? Why or why not (contemporary leadeship roles)