These are more specialized versions of the pizzaorders you

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13465322

Your Pizza Shop expands and now handles delivery orders and sit down orders in a restaurant setting. There are differences in a SeatedPizzaOrder and a DeliveryPizzaOrder. These are more specialized versions of the PizzaOrders you have been creating all along and you decide to write a program that handles them the same as much as possible and reuses the code of a general PizzaOrder class as much as possible to demonstrate inheritance.

Create a PizzaOrder Class. This class should have the following properties (and their underlying private variables): Size {of type int}, Toppings {of type String}, Price {of type Decimal}. Make a full constructor for the class that takes all three values, and a default constructor that initializes the basic pizza as a 12 inch cheese pizza for $8. Make sure to include validation in your Size and Price properties and constructor to prevent a change to Size that would be less than 12 or greater than 16, and prevent a change to Price that would be less than 0.

Create a class that inherits from your PizzaOrder class called SeatedPizzaOrder. SeatedPizzaOrder has the three data values that any PizzaOrder has (size, toppings, and price) but also has a tablenumber (of type integer) and serverName (of type string) which allows you to track where the pizza is going and who took the order in the restaurant

Create a class that inherits from your PizzaOrder class called DeliveryPizzaOrder. DeliveryPizzaOrder has the three data values that any PizzaOrder has (size, toppings, and price) but also has a driverName (of type string) which allows you to track who is delivering the pizza.

Create a GUI with controls of your choosing or a console class with a main in it. The choice is up to you to create objects of each and test them. This program should allow the user to enter in the values for a SeatedPizzaOrder and the values for a DeliveryPizzaOrder, and after creating an object of each one, it should displays their values (from the created objects) for the user.

Reference no: EM13465322

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