There are many health issues of significance to the global

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Reference no: EM13459850

There are many health issues of importance to the Global Community and to the general public as a whole. As a health educator, you will be required to prepare educational products on various topics geared towards specific audiences.

Create an educational product for the general public in a country of your choice from the reading, videos, and/or other sources from this course. Select a topic from the disease-specific knowledge you learned in your reading, videos, and/or other sources and identify the following of the educational product:

1) Identify the purpose: Identify the purpose of the educational product. It must be to move the audience to some action: boil water, get a vaccination, use condoms, get tested, or whatever the intervention may be.

2) Goals and Objectives: Identify the goals and objectives, and possible challenges for this product.

3) Overview: Provide a brief overview of your selected disease or condition which identifies current knowledge in diagnosis, risk, treatment, and preventive measures.

4) Audience: Identify the target audience and why the particular modality was chosen for this audience.

Modalities: Identify your modalities and why you chose them. Your modalities may be educational products such as flipcharts, leaflets, school-based materials, storybooks, audio or Public Service Announcements.

Prepare a 3-5 page paper. Make sure to include at least three scholarly references. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.

Reference no: EM13459850

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