Theoretical perspectives on development

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Reference no: EM133255464

Theoretical Perspectives on Development

Consider the following scenario: Noah and Lexi are the parents of 2-year-old Bryce. Bryce was a fussy, difficult baby. He had inconsistent patterns of eating and sleeping, did not respond well to changes in routine, and was easily frustrated. Now, as a toddler, Bryce tends to throw severe tantrums when he does not get his way, when he's tired, or when he's hungry. Not knowing what to do, Noah and Lexi often give in to Bryce just to keep the peace. For example, Bryce often wants candy or a toy at the store. When his parents tell him "no," he will throw a tantrum. To avoid embarrassment, Noah and Lexi simply let Bryce have what he wants. The stress is starting to take a toll, and Noah and Lexi desperately want help with Bryce's behavior.

1. Based on the information provided, how might a psychoanalytic theorist explain Bryce's behavior?

2. According to research on operant conditioning, in what ways are Noah and Lexi actually reinforcing Bryce's tantrums?

3. Select one of the theories presented in the lecture and provide advice to Noah and Lexi about how to help Bryce develop more adaptive and appropriate behaviors. Your advice should reflect key aspects of the theory that you selected.

Reference no: EM133255464

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