Themes risk management and worker protection regarding the

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Reference no: EM13382792

Themes: Risk management and worker protection regarding the health, safety and security of employees are all mentioned. The need for policies on safe equipment usage and the training and certification of employees is covered. Security issues are mentioned in the use of limited building access and video cameras in the parking lot. Health issues are addressed by noting the training of employees in CPR and the placement of medical kits in the workplace. The voice-over mentions other issues such as disaster planning, drugs, smoking, health promotion programs and prevention of data theft.

Plot: The COO of the firm discusses risk management and worker protection regarding the safety, security and health activities of the firm. Voice-over narration mentions other aspects of risk management.

Questions and Exercises

Considering the intense work place at BuyCostumes during the two months before Halloween and the culture of "urgency," what would be the largest concern for mental and emotional health?

What about this firm would mitigate the concerns?

Reference no: EM13382792

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