The world bank. climate change

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Reference no: EM133325161

"The World Bank. Climate Change"

What is climate finance? Provide a couple of examples of the World Bank's leadership/involvement in climate change issues.

"Katrina and Migration..."

Compare and contrast the experiences of Vietnamese Americans and African Americans:

1. Evacuation routes and locations; 2) return rates; 3) rationale/motivation to return or stay.

"Climate Change, Displacement, and Managed Retreat in Coastal India"

What are some of the impacts of sea-level rise on coastal India? What problems are tied to its programs of managed retreat?

"Copenhagen Prepares"

What is being done to reduce the Copenhagen's carbon footprint?

What prompted the Climate Adaptation Plan? What does it promote? What is the difference between grey and green-blue approaches?

How could the Copenhagen model be applied to U.S. cities?

Reference no: EM133325161

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