The williamsburg women''s club

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13160981

The Williamsburg Women's Club offers scholarships to local high school students who meet any of several criteria. Write an application that prompts the user for a student's numeric high school grade point average (for example, 3.2), the student's number of extracurricular activities, and the student's number of service activities. Display the message "Scholarship candidate" if the student has any of the following:

- A grade point average of 3.8 or above at least one extracurricular activity and one service activity.

- A grade point average below 3.8 but at least 3.4 and a total of at least three extracurricular and service activities.

- A grade point average below 3.4 but at least 3.0 and at least two extracurricular activities and three service activities.

Reference no: EM13160981

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