The white box and black box testing strategies

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Reference no: EM13779291 , Length: 1800 Words

1. Describe the difference between the white box and black box testing strategies.

2. Suppose a tester believes a unit contains a specification defect. Which testing strategy would be best to uncover the defect and why?

3. Explain the differences between random testing and testing using error guessing.

4. Define the equivalence classes and develop a set of test cases to cover them for the following module description. The module accepts a color for a part. Color choices are {RED, BLUE, YELLOW, VIOLET}.

5. Define the equivalence classes and boundary values and develop a set of test cases to cover them for the following module description: The module is part of a public TV membership system. The module allows entry of a contribution from $0.01 to $99,999.99. It also enters a member status for the contributor that can be: regular, student/retiree, or studio club.

6. Develop black box test cases using equivalence class partitioning and boundary value analysis to test a module that is software component of an automated teller system. The module reads in the amount the user wishes to withdraw from his/her account. The amount must be a multiple of $5.00 and be less than or equal to $200.00. Be sure to list any assumptions you make and label equivalence classes
and boundary values that you use.

7. Design a set of black box-based test cases using the coin problem specification as shown in Chapter 3. Use error guessing, random testing, equivalence class partitioning, and boundary value analysis to develop your test cases. List any assumptions you make. For each test case generated by equivalence class partitioning, specify the equivalence classes covered, input values, expected outputs, and test case identifiers. Show in tabular form that you have covered all the classes and boundaries. For the other black box testing methods show the test case identifiers, inputs, and expected outputs also in a tabular format. Implement the coin problem as shown in the specification in the language of your choice. Run the tests using your test cases, and record the actual outputs and the defects you found. Start with the original uncorrected version of the program for each black box technique you use. Save a copy of the original version for future use.

Compare the methods with respect to their effectiveness in revealing defects. Were there any types of defects that were not detected by these methods?

Reference no: EM13779291

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