The vertical and horizontal configuration of departments

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132300144

1. Organizational structure is the description of the vertical and horizontal configuration of departments, authority, and jobs within a company.

2. The three kinds of operational plans are single-use plans, standing plans, and budgets.

3. The textbook states, “Supply chain relationships have three dimensions: people, processes, and platforms.” Which of these do you think is the most critical? In what way?

Reference no: EM132300144

Questions Cloud

Internationalization strategies of developing : Compare the commonalities and differences between internationalization strategies of developing and developed multinational enterprises.
Pros-cons of linking incentive pay to individual performance : What are the pros and cons of linking incentive pay to individual performance? How can organizations address the negatives?
Healthcare organization to deliver quality patient care : Describe the influence of nursing shortages on the deployment of nursing staff and on the ability of a healthcare organization to deliver quality patient care.
An intrinsic reward is reward associated with performing : An intrinsic reward is a reward associated with performing a task or activity for its own sake.
The vertical and horizontal configuration of departments : Organizational structure is the description of the vertical and horizontal configuration of departments, authority, and jobs within a company.
Why those in the human resource development positions : Discuss why those in the human resource development positions are in a prime position to facilitate the change process.
Macro market analysis and confectionery market analysis : analyze the suitability of Japanese market for launch a range of chocolate bars including: macro market analysis, confectionery market analysis.
Affecting location decisions for manufacturing and services : Consider the factors affecting location decisions for manufacturing and services. How are they different?
Crime stemming from male uncontrollable sexual impulses : Rape is a crime of power & control over women vs. rape is a crime stemming from male uncontrollable sexual impulses.


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