The use of one learning pattern to another

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13877312

1. A person who can feel themselves shifting from the use of one Learning Pattern to another is a(n)

       Dynamic learner.

       Bridge learner.

       Strong-Willed learner.

       Avoidance learner.



Question 2.

2. When writer and artist Diana Randolph bucked her family background and decided to take the risk of attending college in another state, she was exhibiting this Learning Pattern: 



       Technical Reasoning.




Question 3.

3. A person who is Use as Needed for all four Learning Patterns is a(n) 

       Dynamic learner.

       Bridge learner.

       Strong-Willed learner.

       Avoidance learner.



Question 4.

4. Your coworker likes to take a challenging project and solve it by herself. She is most closely associated with Use First of the ____________ Pattern. 



       Technical Reasoning




Question 5.

5. Which of the following is most closely associated with the Precision Pattern? 

       "puzzle solver"

       "walking encyclopedia"

       "time management fanatic"

       "possibilities thinker"



Question 6.

6. This type of learner has the largest number of Use First Patterns: 

       Dynamic learner.

       Bridge learner.

       Strong-Willed learner.

       Avoidance learner.



Question 7.

7. Thinking based on information is most closely associated with Use First for the ____________ Pattern.)



       Technical Reasoning




Question 8.

8. Someone who is a natural leader exhibits this Learning Pattern: 

       Dynamic learner.

       Bridge learner.

       Strong-Willed learner.

       Avoidance learner.



Question 9.

9. Knowing your Learning Patterns is important primarily because

       you can use that knowledge to respond best to a given situation.

       you need to know it for this specific course.

       most employers will ask for your Learning Patterns during a job interview.

       your college instructors will use your Learning Patterns to create a custom curriculum for you.



Question 10.

10. Someone who avoids the Sequence Pattern will typically

       place information into categories.

       place a high priority on achieving goals in a timely manner.

       want to have a well-ordered life.

       have little interest in detailed directions for a project.



Question 11.

11. Frequent use of metaphors is a key characteristic of the ____________ Pattern.



       Technical Reasoning




Question 12.

12. When it comes to the different combinations of Learning Patterns, it is true that 

       all combinations are useful in contributing to learning success.

       some combinations are far more useful than others in contributing to learning success.

       many combinations are actually detrimental to learning success.

       there is one specific combination that works best for all people, if they'll just apply it.



Question 13.

13. A Use First Pattern means that the associated brain-mind interface filter is )

       wide open.

       partially open.


       alternately opening and closing.



Question 14.

14. The ____________ Pattern uses the most words, whereas the ____________ Pattern uses the fewest words.

       Precision; Technical Reasoning

       Technical Reasoning; Sequence

       Confluence; Sequence

       Sequence; Precision



Question 15.

15. Your good friend prides himself on knowing a lot of information about a lot of things, and always wants to know even more. He is most closely associated with Use First of the ____________ Pattern. 



       Technical Reasoning


Reference no: EM13877312

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The use of one learning pattern to another : 1. A person who can feel themselves shifting from the use of one Learning Pattern to another is a(n)        Dynamic learner.        Bridge learner.
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