The use of environmentally-friendly packaging

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131619067

The Media Planner

Chapter 14 of the text outlines factors associated with planning and buying media for advertising. For this discussion, summarize the role of the media planner in advertising.

Then, select one of the factors below and discuss its role in the process of media planning, as well as how an organization can determine whether it has been used effectively.




Cost per thousand

In addition to the media planner, there are other prominent careers and roles in the advertising industry, including account executive, media buying, copywriting, production, and research.

Using Ashford University's Career Services , the Internet, and this week's lecture, select one that you believe would be the best fit for you and explain why, specifically noting the skills and knowledge that would be needed.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and be supported by your textbook. Your post must also be organized using APA style headings as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

Environmentally-Friendly Packaging

As discussed in your textbook, product packaging is "not only the last ‘ad' a consumer sees before purchasing the product, it is the only ‘ad' the consumer sees when using the product" (p. 380). With that, there is also a growing concern among the public for environmentally-friendly packaging, making packaging an important point of consideration for advertisers.

For this discussion, choose one of the following perspectives, and discuss the role it plays in the use of environmentally-friendly packaging, noting the benefits, challenges, and ethical aspects. Use the "Product Packaging" section in Chapter 15 of the textbook for support.



Marketing intermediaries (retailers/wholesalers)

Consumer advocacy groups

Government agencies

Finally, state your own opinions on the use of and regulations around environmentally-friendly packaging. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and be supported by your textbook. Your post must also be organized using APA style headings as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Reference no: EM131619067

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the discipline of anthropology : When you hear, see or read about the discipline of "anthropology," what does it mean to you? What do you think anthropology is
The use of environmentally-friendly packaging : Choose one of the following perspectives, and discuss the role it plays in the use of environmentally-friendly packaging, noting the benefits.
Prepare a social media plan : Prepare a Social Media Plan - Hear-U-Can needs to expand their social media and online presence in order to keep up with others in the industry.
Discuss most significant problems with the way foreign aid : Identify the most significant problems with the way foreign aid is presently dispensed by international lending institutions
Which bank shows a larger change in bank capital : Which bank shows a larger change in bank capital? Does either bank remain solvent? Define net exports and net capital outflow. How and why they are related.
How will materiality influence auditors reporting decisions : Basic Reports. The concepts of materiality and pervasiveness are important to auditors in examinations of financial statements and expressions of opinion.


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