The u.s. is experiencing increasing ethnic diversity

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM13793278

Question 1 :One of Wal-Mart's advertising campaigns featured a round smiling yellow decimal point that looked like a happy face. This ad concentrated on showing that the large retailer offered its customers the lowest possible prices. Wal-Mart is pursuing a(n) _____ strategy).
Question 1 options:

overall cost leadership

mass marketing

niche marketing


Question 2 :The program formulation step in the business strategic planning process immediately follows:
Question 2 options:

goal formulation

SWOT analysis

strategy formulation

assignment of resources

development of the business mission
Question 3 :The business strategic planning process requires a feedback and control step because:
Question 3 options:

the firm's strategic fit with its environment will change

clear strategies and solid supporting programs are worthless without the support of top management

the firm's mission statement is too broad to be treated as a corporate directive

internal stakeholders accept and expect evaluation

time horizons for strategies tend to be very short
Question 4 :The U.S. is experiencing increasing ethnic diversity:

In 2002, the Hispanic community's buying power in the state of Georgia grew to $4.7 billion as more Hispanics migrated to the state. This is an example of how changes in the _____ environment impact the _____ environment.
Question 4 options:

social-cultural; natural

demographic; economic

economic; social-cultural

political-legal; economic

natural; political-legal
Question 5 :The U.S. is experiencing increasing ethnic diversity:
Question 5 options:

but the population growth has kept the size of the immigrant population at below three percent of the entire population

with a corresponding diversity of wants and buying habits

but a growing uniformity in buying habits

but with a declining representation of Latinos and Asians

with Asians soon to become the largest minority group
Question 6 :Today, many people are opposed to blood transfusions due to concerns about diseases that can be transmitted in blood plasma. Yet, many people need transfusions to survive accidents and surgeries. After expensive research and development, Biopure Corporation has developed a product that is a safe and effective substitute for blood plasma. Biopure's product is already being used by veterinarians, but the U.S. government and the European Community have not given the product their approvals. This is an example of the _____ environment and the _____ working at cross-purposes.
Question 6 options:

technological; increased regulation of technological change

economic; technological

economic; political-legal

technological; social-cultural

political-legal; economic
Question 7 :Ideas for new products can come from:
Question 7 options:

customers and channel members

scientists and engineers

examining competitors

top management

all of the above
Question 8 :A potential marketer of new shower enclosures coated with Teflon asks consumers, "Do you understand how the addition of Teflon will benefit you?" and "Would this type of shower enclosure solve a cleaning problem for you?" This marketer is in the _____ stage of new-product development.
Question 8 options:

concept development and testing

business analysis

product development

idea generation

market testing
Question 9 :A new-product department is excited about a new product idea for a suntan lotion that goes on blue, but fades away as the ability of the lotion to protect skin disappears. Projected sales, growth, and profit looked very promising. The idea has been passed to R&D to determine if the product could be feasibly made. At this point, the new-product department's idea is in the _____ stage.
Question 9 options:

marketing-strategy development

market testing


concept development

business analysis
Question 10 :Which kind of consumer-goods market testing involve consumers who initially try the product at no cost then who are reoffered the product, or a competitor's product, at a slightly reduced price.
Question 10 options:

Sales-Wave Research

Simulated Test Marketing

Controlled Test Marketing

Test Markets

Alpha Testing
Question 11 :Which of the following is the most expensive step of the new product development process?
Question 11 options:

concept testing

business analysis

product development


idea generation
Question 12 :A zero-level channel:
Question 12 options:

may also be called a backward channel

is the same as a direct marketing channel

has only one intermediary between producer and consumer

has three members

refers to intensive distribution channels where there are an indeterminate number of channel members
Question 13 :A dog food that is only available at veterinarians' offices is an example of a product that is sold using _____ distribution.
Question 13 options:





Question 14 :A highly respected manufacturer of a sought after perfume has retailers willing to carry the manufacturer's complete cosmetic product line. This is an example of _____ power.
Question 14 options:





Question 15 :Channels need to be reviewed for possible modification when:
Question 15 options:

consumer buying patterns change

new competition enters the market

the product changes stages in the product life cycle (PLC)

the distribution system is not working as planned

any of the above occur
Question 16 :Albert and Tania produce and sell vanilla, chocolate, lemon, peppermint, and strawberry flavor extracts for baking. They are debating over a description of the potential customers for their product. Albert and Tania are trying to define:
Question 16 options:

customer value

customer satisfaction

their target market

what constitutes an exchange

relationship marketing
Question 17 :If a marketer seeks to retain customers' long-term preference and business through a win-win business style, the marketer is engaged in _____ marketing.
Question 17 options:





Question 18 :Texas Instruments, one of the first producers of handheld calculators, put a great deal of effort into expanding production of calculators to drive down the cost and thus, expand the market. This is most indicative of the _____ concept.
Question 18 options:





Question 19 :The marketing concept assumes:
Question 19 options:

consumers will favor products that offer quality, performance, and innovation

a company has a social responsibility for the effects of its products

if left alone, consumers will ordinarily not buy enough of the organization's products

consumers do not have to be compelled by promotions to buy what a company is selling

the key to achieving organizational goals is the company being more effective than the competition at creating, delivering, and communicating to its target market
Question 20 :Which of the following is NOT an example of a primary activity as described in Porter's value chain?
Question 20 options:


marketing and sales


outbound logistics

Question 21 :An intensive growth strategy of _________ would be when a firm develops or acquires new products for the current markets.
Question 21 options:



integrative growth


Question 22 :One view of holistic marketing is that firms take a traditional view of the value-delivery process in which product design is primary and that marketing takes place only after the product is produced.
Question 22 options:


Question 23 :Which of the following is NOT one of the three key management questions addressed in a holistic marketing framework?
Question 23 options:

Value Exploration

Value Creation

Value Delivery

Value Mining

All of the above
Question 24 :At regular intervals,, the largest Internet auction company, conducts intense all-day meetings with representative buyers and sellers. At these meetings, they discuss various aspects of the services eBay provides and what eBay could do to enhance those services. These meetings are part of eBay's _____ system.
Question 24 options:

sales reporting

marketing research

experiential research data

accountability information system (AIS)

marketing intelligence
Question 25 :The first step in the marketing research process is the:
Question 25 options:

development of the research plan

survey of stakeholders to determine if problems exist

decision regarding the research tools and target group

collection of the available sources for needed information

definition of the problem and research objectives
Question 26

The manufacturer of Brother sewing machines wants to know the effect rebates have on sales. It plans on dividing its retailers into three regions. One group will offer consumers who buy a Brother sewing machine a $25 cash rebate. One will offer buyers of the machine $50 worth of "free" machine accessory parts. A third region will offer buyers a $40 store credit. The results of this market research will provide Brother with _____ data.
Question 26 options:





Question 27

Respondents are asked to rate an attitude object on a number of multiple-point rating scales bounded at each end by one of two bipolar adjectives or phrases. This type of question is called:
Question 27 options:


a semantic differential

multiple choice

rating scale

a Likert scale
Question 28

The manufacturer of the line of Grote industrial meat slicers wants to identify all of the supermarkets, delis, and restaurants that are potential customers for its products in each of its market areas. Then, it wants to estimate which model each will need to buy. What method of assessing market potential will the manufacturer need to use?
Question 28 options:

the multiple-factor index method

the market-buildup method

the total market potential formula

the market-demand breakdown

a multi-regression analysis
Question 29

______________ is a large social, economic, political, and technological changes that are slow to form and, once in place, influence us for some time.
Question 29 options:





Question 30

Which of the following is the most influential primary reference group?
Question 30 options:


social class



Question 31

Which of the following is NOT an example of a personal factor that affects consumer behavior?
Question 31 options:


age and stage in the life cycle

economic circumstances


Question 32

The first step in the buying process is the:
Question 32 options:

information search

evaluation of alternatives

purchase decision

location of alternatives

recognition of the need or problem
Question 33

The first step in the needs-based market segmentation approach is:
Question 33 options:

mass marketing

market mix strategy

Needs-Based segmentation

market concentration

market positioning
Question 34

A(n) _____ market is characterized by a fairly narrowly defined market with a complete and distinct set of needs, and a willingness to pay a premium to meet those needs.
Question 34 options:





Question 35

Which of the following is an example of a demographic segmentation variable?
Question 35 options:

social class


attitude toward the product


user status
Question 36

Which of the following is an example of a psychographic segmentation variable?
Question 36 options:


education level

readiness stage


usage rate
Question 37

Which of the following is an example of a behavioral segmentation variable?
Question 37 options:


user status



social class
Question 38

A marketer who selected a _________ segmentation strategy would find
this segmentation strategy has the greatest amount of risk associated
with it despite firms typically having a strong knowledge of the
segment's needs and operating economies.
Question 38 options:

selective specialization

single-segment concentration

full market coverage

market specialization

product specialization
Question 39

Which of the following statements is true about positioning strategies?
Question 39 options:

Not all products can be differentiated.

A product that is not positioned as superior, distinctive, preemptive, or affordable will succeed if it is implemented correctly.

The end result of positioning is the successful creation of a customer-focused value proposition.

Positioning strategies must stress real benefits or they will fail.

All brand differentiation strategies are meaningful and worthwhile.
Question 40

_____ is the act of designing the company's offerings and image so they occupy a meaningful and distinct competitive position in the target customers' minds.
Question 40 options:

Product differentiation


Image differentiation


Integrated marketing
Question 41

Profits improve substantially during the _____ stage of the product life.
Question 41 options:





Question 42

The stage of the life cycle characterized by low sales, heavy promotion, low profit, and minimal competition is the _____ stage.
Question 42 options:





Question 43

The first thing any business should do when setting pricing policy is to:
Question 43 options:

determine demand

estimate costs

determine their target market

select a pricing method

select a pricing objective
Question 44

When Gillette introduced the MACH 3 shaving system, Gillette charged 35 percent more than was currently being charged by its nearest competitor to communicate a quality image for the product. Because Gillette had patents that prevented competitors from quickly imitating the shaving system, a high initial price was placed on the product. Gillette used a _____ pricing strategy.
Question 44 options:





product-quality leadership
Question 45

When Rooms-to-Go furniture store offers customers "Nothing down, and no payments until 2008!" in order to entice customers to buy now, the furniture chain is using:
Question 45 options:

cash discounts

promotional pricing

trade allowances

functional discounts

loss-leader pricing
Question 46

A _____ combines successive stages of production and distribution under single ownership.
Question 46 options:

horizontal marketing system

conventional marketing system

corporate vertical marketing system

multichannel marketing system

contractual vertical marketing system
Question 47

Zoe was reading the newspaper while she watched television. An article in the newspaper on the new women's football league caused Zoe to miss commercials for Mountain Dew, Claritin, and KFC. In terms of the communication process for the ads, the article that caught Zoe's attention is an example of:
Question 47 options:

a feedback inhibitor

an unanticipated decoder



a reception barricade
Question 48

The first step in the development of effective communication is:
Question 48 options:

identifying the target audience

determining the communication objectives

designing the message

setting the budget

selecting the communication channels
Question 49

The ________ is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.
Question 49 options:

production concept

selling concept

product concept

holistic marketing concept

marketing concept
Question 50

In ____consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product.
Question 50 options:

negative demand

latent demand

irregular demand

declining demand

non-existent demand
Question 51

The most formal definition of marketing is ________.
Question 51 options:

improving the quality of life for consumers

the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large

meeting needs profitably

the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)

identifying and meeting human and social needs
Question 52

________ marketing has the aim of building mutually satisfying long-term relations with key parties such as customers, suppliers, distributors, and other marketing partners in order to earn and retain their business.
Question 52 options:





Question 53

Today, the "mass-market" is actually splintering into numerous ________, each with its own wants, perceptions, preferences, and buying criteria.
Question 53 options:

customer cliques

market targets



demographic units
Question 54

A good way to describe the ________ would be discuss all the activities involved in building deeper understanding, relationships, and offerings to individual customers.
Question 54 options:

customer prospecting process

customer acquisition process

customer relationship management process

customer equity process

customer fulfillment management process
Question 55

The first phase of the value creation and delivery sequence is ________ that represents the "homework" marketing must do before any product exists.
Question 55 options:

target marketing

market research

choosing the value

service consideration

projective thinking
Question 56

The ________ is a tool for identifying ways to create more customer value.
Question 56 options:

promotion channel

customer survey

supplier database

value chain

brand loyalty index
Question 57

________ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.
Question 57 options:

A marketing intelligence system

A promotional campaign

A marketing research system

A marketing database

A marketing information system
Question 58

Marketing managers rely on internal reports. By analyzing this information, they can spot ________.
Question 58 options:



opportunities and problems

consumer demographic units

competitive strategies
Question 59

The heart of the internal records system is the ________.
Question 59 options:

service consideration


order-to-payment cycle

asset acquisition process

information liquidity ratio
Question 60

A ________ is a set of procedures and sources managers use to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment.
Question 60 options:

marketing intelligence system

product management system

marketing information system

marketing research system

vertical system
Question 61

________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
Question 61 options:


MIS (marketing information system)

Marketing management

Marketing intelligence

Marketing research
Question 62

Which of the following types of marketing research firms would best be described as being one that gathers consumer and trade information which they sell for a fee (e.g., Nielsen Media Research)?
Question 62 options:

General-line marketing research firms.

Non-profit marketing research firms.

Specialty-line marketing research firms.

Custom marketing research firms.

Syndicated-service research firms.
Question 63

The first step in the marketing research process is to ________.
Question 63 options:

analyze the internal environment

contact a professional consultant

develop a research plan

define the problem and research objectives

read marketing research journals
Question 64

________ are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist somewhere.
Question 64 options:

Tertiary data



Secondary data

Primary data
Question 65

The aim of customer relationship management (CRM) is to maximize customer ________.
Question 65 options:





Question 66

In which stage of the Product Life Cycle is there a slowdown in sales growth and profits stabilize or decline due to increased competition?
Question 66 options:





mass customization
Question 67

A customer touch point in the airline industry would include an item such as ________.
Question 67 options:

the value of air travel versus surface transportation

competency of a travel agent


mechanics ability to service the airplanes

ease of access to the airport
Question 68

Another term for high customer ________ is customer churn.
Question 68 options:





Question 69

A(n) ________ is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something.
Question 69 options:





Question 70

The expectancy-value model of attitude formation posits that consumers evaluate products and services by combining their ________.
Question 70 options:

brand beliefs



consuming attitudes

Question 71

Customer value analysis reveals the company's strengths and weaknesses relative to various competitors. Which of the following would be considered to be the first step in this process?
Question 71 options:

Assess the company and competitors' performances on customer values.

Monitor customer values over time.

Examine customer ratings of the company and competitors.

Assess the quantitative importance of the different attributes.

Identify the major attributes customers value.
Question 72

With respect to consumer purchase intention, all of the following would be among the sub-decisions made by consumers EXCEPT ________.
Question 72 options:

payment method

emotional value



Question 73

A ________ consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants.
Question 73 options:

market group

market target

market segment

market level

market slice
Question 74

Procter & Gamble has many soap brands. One reason for this is that soap users tend to group together in terms of preferences such as bleaching action, softness, stain-removal, et cetera. Which of the following preferences pattern would most likely apply to P&G's method of response to market needs?
Question 74 options:

Psychological preferences.

Homogeneous preferences.

Clustered preferences.

Diffused preferences.

Cultural preferences.
Question 75

Marketers usually identify niches by ________.
Question 75 options:

conducting VALS tests

dividing a segment into subsegments

allowing consumers to gravitate toward product brands

producing products that can be used in a variety of ways

examining the demographics section of The Handbook of Marketing
Question 76

When Nike attempts to get close to its customers at the local level by sponsoring local school teams and providing shoes, equipment, and clothing to many of them, Nike is using which of the following marketing formats?
Question 76 options:

Grassroots marketing

Differentiated marketing

Partner marketing

Consumer marketing

Instructional marketing
Question 77

From a marketing management perspective, there are three main sets of brand equity drivers. Which of these drivers was most applicable when McDonald's decided to use the "golden arches" and Ronald McDonald as symbols of their brand?
Question 77 options:

Associations indirectly transferred to the brand by linking it to some other entity.

The product and all accompanying marketing activities and supporting marketing programs.

The initial choices for the brand elements or identities making up the brand.

The service and all accompanying marketing activities and supporting marketing programs.

The profitability associated with brand development.
Question 78

________ are those trademarkable devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand.
Question 78 options:

Brand image

Brand elements

Brand perception

Brand tracks

Brand value
Question 79

If a brand element can be used to introduce new products in the same or different categories, the brand element is said to be ________.
Question 79 options:





Question 80

With respect to powerful brand elements, a ________ is an extremely efficient means to build brand equity. The element can function as useful "hooks" or "handles" to help consumers grasp what the brand is and what makes it special.
Question 80 options:




promotional descriptor

product shape
Question 81

All marketing strategy is built on STP segmentation, targeting, and ________.
Question 81 options:





Question 82

The result of positioning is the successful creation of ________, a cogent reason why the target market should buy the product.
Question 82 options:

strategic window of opportunity

an award winning promotional campaign


a customer-focused value proposition

a demand channel
Question 83

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways to convey a brand's category membership?
Question 83 options:

announcing category benefits

comparing to exemplars

None of the above address the main ways to convey a brand's category membership


relying on the product descriptor
Question 84

Associations that make up points-of-difference may be based on _____________.
Question 84 options:

brand specifications

brand categories

brand attributes or benefits

brand partitions

brand values
Question 85

A company's costs take two forms. ________ are costs that do not vary with production or sales revenue.
Question 85 options:


none of these



Question 86

Today's companies try to adapt their offers and terms to different buyers. ________ accounting tries to identify the real costs associated with serving each customer. It allocates indirect costs to the activities that use them and are tagged back to each customer.
Question 86 options:

Experience cost

Cost accounting

Target costing

Activity-based cost

Direct product profitability
Question 87

Value pricing is not a matter of simply setting lower prices; it is a matter of reengineering the company's operations to become a low-cost producer without sacrificing quality; and lowering prices significantly to attract a large number of ________ customers.
Question 87 options:


product-orientated customers

expert customers


none of these
Question 88

When a firm charges the same, more, or less than its major competitors do, it is using a pricing strategy that is called ________.
Question 88 options:

everyday low pricing

high-low pricing

perceived value pricing

value pricing

going-rate pricing
Question 89

Intermediaries who buy, take title to, and resell the merchandise are called ________.
Question 89 options:





Question 90

Transportation companies, independent warehouses, banks, and advertising agencies assisting in the distribution process but neither take title to goods nor negotiate purchases or sales are called ________.
Question 90 options:





none of the store
Question 91

A ________ strategy involves the manufacturer using its sales force and trade promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and sell the product to end users.
Question 91 options:




none of these

Question 92

Generally speaking, the use of peripheral cues, such as a celebrity endorser, would best attract what kind of shopper?
Question 92 options:

Variety-loving shoppers

Low-involvement shoppers

High value deal seekers

High-involvement shoppers

Habitual shoppers
Question 93

Communication tools vary in cost-effectiveness at different stages of buyer readiness. ________ and publicity play the most important role in the awareness-building stage.
Question 93 options:



direct marketing


sales promotion
Question 94

The appeal of public relations and publicity is based on three distinctive qualities. These include, ________, the ability to catch buyers off guard, and dramatization.
Question 94 options:

low cost

high credibility



Question 95

Many companies set promotion expenditures at a specified percentage of sales (either current or anticipated) or of the sales price. This method of budgeting is called ________.
Question 95 options:

competitive parity method

affordable method

objective-and-task method

none of these

percentage-of-sales method
Question 96

Any discussion about the effectiveness of mass communication has to take into account the dramatic changes that have ________ the effectiveness of the mass media.
Question 96 options:


all of these



Question 97

What kind of creative strategy would attempt to stir up emotions to motivate purchase?
Question 97 options:

transformational appeals

none of these

informational appeals

objective and task appeals

reverse engineering
Question 98

What aspect of designing the communication would be focused on deciding what celebrity to use in advertising?
Question 98 options:

creative strategy

Choice of personal communication channels

message source

none of these

communication objectives
Question 99

The new-product development process starts with the search for ________.
Question 99 options:

overseas products

new concepts



products that can be improved upon
Question 100

A ________ occurs when the company dismisses an otherwise good idea.
Question 100 options:

product failure


brand failure

dual error


Reference no: EM13793278

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