The two parts of the motivation are

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Reference no: EM133676083


1. Goal setting should be set based on what the healthcare provider believes that patient can achieve

True False

2. The two parts of the motivation are

A) Locus of control and commitment to act

B) Goal setting and locus control

C) self esteem and self efficacy

D) Goal setting and commitment to act

3. The ethical guidelines we studied include :

A) Justice, Liberty and Trust

B)Autonomy, Justice and Beneficence

C) Beneficence , Justice and Financial

D) Justice , Autonomy and Liberty

4. Disablement is the process resulting from onset of illness or injury True False

5. Intrapersonal communication is when two people speak to each other True False

6. A provider who stops helping a patient because the illness is a result of patient behavior is an example of which type of bias

A) cultural

B) Gender

C) Blaming the patient

D) Ethnic

7. It is important that when speaking to a patient, the physician use correct medical terminology to describe diseases and treatment processes

True False

8. Which system is responsible for relaxation?

A) Sympathetic system

B) Autonomic system

C) Parasympathetic system

D) All of the above

9. Social support plays an important role in determining a patient's motivation level .

True False

10. Some boundaries that the healthcare provider should establish in the patient-provider relationship include:

A) Financial

B) Emotional

C) Physical

D) All of the above

11. Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?

A) Sensory overload

B) Role uncertainty

C) Physical appearance

D).All of the above are barriers

12. Treating a white woman patient differently than a white male patient is an example of which type of bias?

A) Cultural

B) Gender

C) Ageism

D) Ethic

13. The holistic approach to healthcare considers only the physical attributes of not the social, cultural and emotional attributes of the patient

True False

14. The approach to healthcare considers only the physical attributes of not the social, cultural and emotional attributes of the patient

True False

15. Respite care means

A) Taking the patient to the therapist

B) Offering the patient financial support

C) Giving the family caregiver temporary or overnight relief from his or her duties

D) The caregiver performs activities of daily living such as bathing , feeding , etc.

16. Values are strong beliefs and attitudes about the worth of a thought, idea, object or course of action. True False

17. The three step active listening framework is comprised of which of the following?

A) Leaing forward, listening hard and giving your answer

B) Restating the other's comment, reflecting and asking for clarification

C) Restating the other's' comment , giving your answer and listening to other's answer

D) Keeping eye contact , leaning forward and giving your answer

18. The three classes of stigma include all but which of the following?

A) Physical deformity

B) Character deficits

C) Tribal (race , national origin , or religion )

D) All of the above are forms of stigma

19. Standing at the door with your hand on the doorknob while you speak with a patient is an example of nonverbal communication

True False

20. The connection between the mind, body and spirit exists in the

A) Respiratory system

B) Limbic system

C) Digestive system

D) None of the above

Reference no: EM133676083

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