The trafficking of children actually surpasses

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Reference no: EM133495248


1. Risk factors for trafficking include the following :

a. age

b. poverty

c. disability

d. all of the factors mentioned

2. The goal of a smuggler is to help people



3. Victims of human trafficking are frequently lured by false promises of a lucrative job, stability, education, or a loving relationship.



4. 44.99.9% of convicted human traffickers are men.



5. The trafficking of children actually surpasses that of adults in these two different regions

West Africa, and Central America

North and South America

South and Central America

Europe and North America

6. Youth involved in the U.S. child welfare system are especially at risk for being trafficked,



7. Traffickers are motivated by the following two factors

high risk and high profits

high profits and low risk

psychological issues and monetary success

trauma and profit

8. Charging workers recruitment fees, as a practice, is banned by international and country-specific regulations.



9. It is common for trafficking victims, particularly female victims, to be used to recruit and traffic new victims.



10. Which of these vulnerabilities is not linked to human trafficking?

gender discrimination

migrant/refugee status



11. Pull factors driving the trafficking of women and girls primarily revolve around poverty and lack of education.



12. Perhaps the youths most at risk for trafficking are unaccompanied minors.



13. In some countries, only the male can pass on citizenship, not the woman. This can contribute to statelessness of children.



14. The case that prompted creation of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA); involved two farmworkers with mental disabilities (United States v. Kozminski, 1988).



15. Select the role that best fits this description.

_____ are responsible for identifying victims. They generally promise a better life, often through employment, education, transit to a new location, or marriage.





Fill in the blank

16. Global estimates suggest that ______ of child trafficking cases begin with family members.

almost half

almost zero

almost all


17. For the most part, our understanding of traffickers is largely limited to traffickers who are caught.



18. The key distinction between labor trafficking and unfair civil labor practices has to do with whether the worker is voluntarily staying in his or her job.



19. California is among the states with the lowest known number of labor trafficking cases.



20. Force is common in the recruitment of child soldiers, perhaps more so than in other forms of trafficking.



Reference no: EM133495248

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