Reference no: EM131081044
Go to the VALUE@Amrita website: (Links to an external site.) scroll down and select Electric Circuits Virtual lab.
Select the Kirchhoff's Laws option.
Review the theory and discussion of the experiment.
Perform the Self Evaluation and print out the results to include with your report. (Self Evaluation tab up top)
Next, select the simulation tab. If you have not done so in Module 5, you may need to create an account to see it.
Begin by familiarizing yourself with the different interfaces and how to select and drag and drop components to build a circuit.
Build the circuit described in exercise three in the assignment lab. Determine the current and voltage in each branch and use these results to validate Kirchhoff's Laws.
Next Select the Kirchhoff's Lab option and complete exercise three in the assignment tab.
Write a lab report following the Laboratory Report Outline(PDF).
Laboratory Report Outline
1. Purpose - brief one or two line statement about the purpose of the experiment (i.e., The purpose of the laboratory is to investigate xyz phenomenon).
2. Theory - Using information from the text and the website briefly review the theory to include the governing equations and a discussion.
3. Equipment - For this course the equipment is that contained in the virtual laboratory. Take a screenshot of the basic simulator and describe it to include what variables you can control and other capabilities relevant to setting up conducting the experiment.
4. Procedures - State the process you followed to include materials, temperatures, circuit design, what was measured and how, and the steps you followed to conduct the experiment. Ask yourself the question if someone could duplicate what you did with the process you describe.
5. Results - Clearly show all results (i.e, in tabular form) and how they were measured.
6. Discussion - Discuss your results (use measured values) and how they compare to the theory and purpose of the laboratory.
7. Appendix - Include a printout of the Self Evaluation and other information, such as extra results, relevant to the experiment.
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