Reference no: EM132303223
Part I: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or words (each correct answer is worth two points):
1.__________________________ This theorist has been defined as both a symbolic interactionist and a social constructionist, but he chooses to reject both categories.
2.__________________________ This term refers to the unspoken and unofficial values that children learn at school. This can include types of assignments and tests, and the tone of the teacher's voice.
3.__________________________ According to Durkheim this type of suicide occurs when people feel totally detached from society.
4._________________________ This theory by Merton traces the origins of deviance to the tensions caused by the gap between cultural goals and the means people have available to achieve those goals.
5.__________________________ This term refers to the socially learned expectations, identities and behaviors associated with members of each sex.
6.__________________________ According to Berger, this term refers to an unmasking tendency in sociology
7.__________________________ In his theory of religion, Durkheim used this term to refer to everything that is extraordinary or inspires a feeling of awe or reverence.
8.__________________________ Ritzer defines this term as the process by which the principles of the fast food industry have been applied to other sectors of American society and the world.
Part II: Place the whole word True or False in the space provided (each correct answer is worth two points).
1._________ Sex and gender are synonymous terms refer to being born either a girl or a boy.
2._________ Within sociology, the terms race and ethnicity have the same meanings.
3.____ _____ Weber argued that a person's social class is determined by power, wealth, and education.
4. _________ Marx believed that capitalism would lead to alienation among the proletariat and that religion re-enforces oppression among the proletariat.
Part III: Each of the following refers to one of the three main theoretical perspectives discussed in class (Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory, and Symbolic Interaction (each correct answer is two points).
1.______________________________ Some people say that the integration of schools in the 1960s lead to a more equitable education for all students, while others say that in the end result it was more of the same.
2.______________________________ School lunch programs have helped to ensure at least one reliable meal for children from impoverished homes.
3.______________________________ Gentrification may help to revitalize neighborhoods but where do those in affordable housing in these areas move to?
4.______________________________ The Department of Transportation and the MTA worked well together when developing the EZ pass.
5.______________________________ Expectations of others form the social context for learning social roles.