The term identity theft

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1330402 , Length: 500 Words

Help with the questions below. What is meant by the term identity theft? What can happen to a person who is the victim of identity theft? In the United States, information that a company collects about the customer is legally the company's property. In the European Union, this information is the individual's property. Explain why there is this difference in the legal treatment of this information.

In reference to a company sharing information that it has collected about a customer, what is meant by "opt-in"? By "opt-out"? In your opinion, which of these is preferable?

What do U.S. laws require a financial company to do in regard to sharing information that it has collected on its customers? In your opinion, what is the most important social issue raised by the pervasiveness of IT? Why? How can society best deal with this issue?

Reference no: EM1330402

Questions Cloud

Information about the students rights : Discuss the outcome if the Provost denies the petition. Would the student have substantial grounds for suing the school?
Show how will the data be analyzed : Confident of the data that needs to be gathered to track these metrics. How will the data be analyzed and How will the analysis results be used for improving and action planning?
How to write and run a java program : how to Write and run a Java program that, given a distance in metres, outputs that distance in kilometres rounded to the nearest whole kilometre.
Description of market value : A 20-year bond pays 12% on a face value of $1,000. If similar bonds are currently yielding 9%, Find out the market value of bond? Use annual analysis.
The term identity theft : What is meant by the term identity theft? What can happen to a person who is the victim of identity theft?  Identity theft and companies handling customer information
Explain the solution to office automation : Explain The solution to office automation and group collaboration software and what office automation and group collaboration software is used in retail organizations
Review to affirmative action plan at issue : The Grutter majority opinion (like the Gratz majority opinion) applies â??strict scrutinyâ? review to the affirmative action plan at issue.
Write down an interactive web page named swap.html : Write an interactive Web page named swap.html that contains two text boxes and a button. When the user clicks the button, the contents of the two text boxes should be swapped.
Use this while making decisions about public expenditures : Explain how do you plan to use this while making decisions about public expenditures.


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