Reference no: EM133289656
True or false
1. The term Financial Capital often translates to money; the money needed to start a new business or the money use to speculate in the currency market.
2. Built Capital (Capital Goods) is an intangible form of financial Capital.
3. Tax dollars that are use to build roads or finance schools is an examples of Private Capital.
4. Private Capital includes land owned by farm families, timber companies, or oil companies.
5. Consumption is the use of goods and services for personal enjoyment, which removes them from the stock of goods and services available.
6. Roads, streets, bridges, airports, and railroads are examples of Built Capital.
7. As local resources become scarcer; some communities use their built capital to generate income.
8. Less economic opportunity, greater difficulty accessing public transportation, and isolation are not barriers for rural communities that policymakers need to be aware of.
9. Limited capital is a primary barrier to rural communities that would prevent them from providing service programs.