The team nutrition initiative was developed

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Reference no: EM133581484


1. All of the below are responsibilities of a public health nutrition director or manager except:

A) Leadership in all areas of a nutrition division in a public health setting or department

B) Counseling all public health clients daily

C) Supervising nutritionists and other employees

D) Planning budgets and controlling cost

2. A manager who is employee-centered will demonstrate what type of leadership?

A) Autocratic

B) Democratic

C) Participative

D) Laissez faire

3. A plan developed by the top executives of the unit that covers 3 to 15 years is called a(n):

A) operational plan.

B) basic plan.

C) short-range plan.

D) strategic plan.

4. The Team Nutrition initiative was developed to:

A) Increase awareness of nutritional issues in the Hispanic population

B) Increase awareness of nutritional issues in minority populations

C) Improve the nutritional quality of meals served to school children

D) Improve performance of athletic teams by changing their nutrition

Reference no: EM133581484

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