The supervisors come to you with a list of their concerns

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM1392230

Case Study 5-2: The Interfering Administrative Assistant Decision-Making Scenario 1. Relying on the concepts presented in chapters 10 and 11, identify the theories and concepts of leadership and teamwork present (or not present) in this case. 2. What key mistake is Christine Moreno making? 3. Why would Bernice Billings take it upon herself to communicate directly with supervisors and employees to solve plant problems? Is this procedure to be admired, or condemned? 4. Why did various plant personnel comply with Billing's requests and orders, even though they were not sure that these requests had come from Moreno? 5. Can informal authority be just as powerful as direct line of authority? Explain your response. 6. What should the supervisors do? What alternatives do they have? 7. You are Christine Moreno. The supervisors come to you with a list of their concerns. What should you do now? Why?

Reference no: EM1392230

Questions Cloud

How might a universal health insurance program change : How might a universal health insurance program change the current trends in the health care industry?
Normality and business research : R.C. Geary wrote some 70 years ago that "Normality is a myth. There never was, is, nor will there ever be a Normal distribution".
Determine the number of colonies per milliliter : Assume you have a bacterial suspension and you need to dilute it to .0010 of the initial concentration so that you can determine thenumber of colonies per milliliter.
Describe some of the cues that might cause a company : Describe some of the cues that might cause a company to suspect there is unmet demand for its products or services
The supervisors come to you with a list of their concerns : Explain your response. 6. What should the supervisors do? What alternatives do they have? 7. You are Christine Moreno. The supervisors come to you with a list of their concerns. What should you do now? Why?
Reject the null hypothesis : At the .05 level, you are testing whether there is a significant difference in the proportions of college students and similar aged non college students having accidents during the two year period. If you determine not to reject the null hypothesi..
Multiple choice questions - general probability : Determine the probability of rolling one six sided die and obtaining the following numbers?
How crossing affect the outcome of meiosis : Suppose that an organism exists in which crossing over does not occur, but that all other processes associated with meiosis occur normally.
Value of test statistic of college students : At the .05 level, you are testing whether there is a significant difference in the proportions of college students and similar aged non college students having accidents during the two year period. What is the value of your test statistic.


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