Reference no: EM13830685
The Struggle for Independence
As World War II ended, the people of African and Asian nations found themselves struggling to find social justice and economic growth as they began their quest for independence. In this assignment, you will begin to answer these very questions as you describe one country's journey during the decolonization period.
To prepare for this assignment:
• Review Chapter 22 (pp. 344-3 68) and Chapter 23 (pp. 370-383) in the course text.
• Review the articles in this week's Learning Resources to learn more about politics and leadership in Asian and African nations as they struggle for independence.
• Draw from this week's reading and consider the nationalist struggles for independence following World War II.
• Consider the changes that the people of Asia and Africa faced. How did they fare after European and Western control was removed? What internal struggles ensued?
• Reflect upon European and Western influences on Asian and African nations.
• Think about what it would be like to live in a nation that was under control of another nation. What would life be like if you did not know the liberty of freedom? What social, economic, and political struggles would you and your nation encounter during this time?
The assignment:
• Compose a 2- to 3-page essay in which you do the following:
• Choose one country from:
• Southeast Asia, OR
• Africa, OR
• The country of India
• Describe the path to economic growth, social justice, and struggle for independence pursued by this independent nations from 1945-1 947.
• Support your assertions by making at least 2 references, in proper APA format, to your course readings.
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