Reference no: EM13791610 , Length: 1100 Words
1. The State of Maryland is developing a web-voting interface. For selecting the candidates, one design (RB) is a set of radio buttons and another is (CB) a combo-box (drops down when selecting the scroll arrow icon), both using standard fonts at 10-point size. Compare these two designs when there are 4 candidates and predict the relative speed of performance and error rates. Support your choice by a thoughtful argument.
2. Give two reasons why expert reviews are useful in designing User Interface. Also give two limitations of expert reviews.
3. A telephone-based menu system is being designed for a magazine subscription service system. There are seven magazines available: National Geographic, Travel and Leisure, Entrepreneur, Time, Golf, US News and World Report, and Fortune. Describe three reasonable orderings of the voice menus and justify each.
4. Provide three examples of an application where menu selection and form fill-in are more appropriate than a direct-manipulation strategy.
5. Frequent menu users can become annoyed if they must make several menu selections to complete a simple task. Suggest two ways you can refine the menu approach to accommodate expert or frequent users.
6. Describe four guidelines that can be used for constructing good system messages related to User Interfaces (Good Tool-Tips).
7. Abbreviations for commands are often attractive for power users. Describe three strategies that could be used to abbreviate a command set.
8. List five situations when command languages (Command Level entry) can be attractive for users.
9. A company is designing a kiosk that can display weather information in public locations. The kiosk will feature a touch screen so users can select a city by pointing on a map. Give three reasons why a touch screen is an effective device for this application.
10. Explain three human values that are necessary to be understood by user interface designers in order to ensure high quality of service - User Interface Design.
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The state of maryland is developing a web-voting interface
: 1. The State of Maryland is developing a web-voting interface. For selecting the candidates, one design (RB) is a set of radio buttons and another is (CB) a combo-box (drops down when selecting the scroll arrow icon), both using standard fonts at 10-..
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