Reference no: EM132238732
Please provide a one page single spaced (double space between paragraphs) informal analytical business report with a minimum of three scholarly references discussing the topic below. The graphic and references will be on a separate page of the document (page 2).
The silent language of tattoos: How much self-expression on the job?
Tattoos and piercings have gained popularity among young Americans over the last two decades. Recently findings by a Harris Poll and Pew Research Center suggest that nearly 40 percent of 18-29 year olds and about 1/3 of 30-45 year olds sport tattoos. Even so, body art is still not universally accepted. Employment services firms report that job candidates among the millennials do not particularly try to hide their body art. About 25% of this of this generation also show off piercings in places other than their earlobes.
CEO John Challenger suggests that a generational shift accounts for the changing mores: "Those making hiring decisions are younger and not as adherent to traditions about workplace appearance" Career expert Andrea Kay agrees t, but she warns that acceptance among hiring managers varies by industry. Recruiters in IT and Retail may be more forgiving than those in banking and law. Tattoos and piercings send a strong message. Kay states that "People have adjusted their thinking in what is acceptable, but it still comes down to the impression you want to make on the people you're dealing with in your business". Many workplaces today have policies covering body adornment, some requiring employees to conceal such decorations.
You are a Human Resource executive being tasked with providing a one page informal analytical business report, based on scholarly research, that you would send to the CEO. The informal analytical business report is a policy proposal that does or does not support visual body adornment in the U.S. and global offices (might these be different?). When preparing the report, discuss ethical and global considerations and provide recommendations. Also, discuss the non-verbal clues of body adornment (is this perception different in other countries?). The document should include a meaningful graph, chart, or illustration and at least three scholarly sources, which are provided on page two. Please upload your report as a word document.