The Significance of Colour In Interior And Islamic Architect

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133163317 , Length: word count:8000

AR7045 MA Interior Design

Thesis - The Significance of Colour In Interior And Islamic Architecture

Learning Outcome 1: Interrelate conceptual, theoretical and practical tools and methods.

Learning Outcome 2: Understand the relationship between theory, strategy and design and communicate this in a professional and rigorous way.

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate critical reflection on social/ cultural/ economic/ technical knowledge and its integration into design processes and professional life.

Learning Outcome 4: Synthesise the ideas presented within studies, texts or other learning materials.

Learning Outcome 5: Construct and demonstrate clear, well defended argument using a range of media and approaches

Attachment:- Thesis_Marking_Sheet.rar

Reference no: EM133163317

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6/11/2022 12:01:27 AM

Please try doing it all from the start and taking the case studies as major part Let me know if it’s possible and if you need anything else! I’m here attaching both the documents of the final feedback and also the file which I submitted And, now I’m actually looking forward to have more than just pass marks ! Please please look into it and also please do try attaching the images and drawings and sections according to the case studies you consider. Please try reading the feedback very carefully and please do accordingly! Try avoiding the Golconda as case studies and try including students perspective as much you can!

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