The shell provides temporary defence against strikes to head

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Reference no: EM133532909


1. Prior to hancuffing a cooperative subject, the officer has them turn around. This is so the officer can scan for stolen property.



2. The shell provides temporary defence against strikes to the head.



3. The main reason why interactions between people in crisis and the police have increased is because there is a lack of resources, treatment and support for those with mental health problems



4. The statistics clearly show that the problem in crisis situations is that officers are not following their training



5. You are dispatched to 123 Anywhere Street for a domestic assault call. During your investigation, you determine that the husband has committed an assault on his wife. As you tell the husband he is under arrest for assault, he grabs onto the dinning room table and says he isn't leaving. In this example, the demonstrated subject behaviour was


passive resistant

active resistant


serious bodily harm or death

6. Lethal force is a weapon or technique that will likely cause serious harm or death



7. Law enforcement officers are impartial and therefore do not have preconceptions



8. Section 17 of the Mental Health Act is primarily focused on

just cause


the lack of insight into an illness

disordered thought

9.The Mental Health Act allows officers to diagnose people with mental health disorders



10. The problem with explaining the use of force is that the investigators were not there, they have to imagine they were in that situation. This means that an officer has to be really good at explaining what happened and how they felt



11. Although something may be lawful, a key consideration is whether or not it is also




mental health related

12. An officer was dispatched to a robbery in progress. The dispatcher tells the officer that a man wearing a black jacket, black pants, black gloves, black hat, and a black mask has entered a convenience store and pointed a shotgun at the store owner and demanded the money from the cash register and the safe. As they approach the store, the front door suddenly opens, and a man dressed in all black comes outside and points a shotgun at the officer. The officer quickly draws their firearm and fire three shots at the man. He drops the gun and the officer proceeded to handcuff him, and tell him that he was under arrest. A forensic examination revealed that the shotgun that was pointed at the officer was a toy gun.

The Special Investigations Unit has invoked their mandate, and you have been assigned to investigate this incident.

Do you believe the officer's use of force was reasonable? Why?

13. Now that marihuana is legal, we deduce that marihuana is no longer a risk factor for schizophrenia



14. You are dispatched to 123 Anywhere Street, Apartment 102, to conduct a wellness check. Upon arrival, you discover a man has locked himself in his bathroom. When you try to speak with him, he tells you that he is god and that his angels will get you if you do not leave. Based on what the man said, what are the symptoms and what might be the potential illness?



dissociation/personality disorder

compulsion/Obsessive-Compulsive disorder

15. When officers are investigated for using force, the investigation will exam if the officer's actions were reasonable based on

Section 25 of the Criminal Code

Section 26 of the Criminal Code

The Use of Force Model

The Ways and Means Act

16. If an officer's beliefs are considered unreasonable, it is likely that their response to this belief will be deemed unreasonable



17. If we want an officer to attempt communication to gain compliance, the officer

needs to believe they have time

cannot fear that their life is in jeopardy

needs to incorporate tactics like containment and distance

all of these

none of these

18. When 2 officers are attempting a takedown there is no time to communicate.



19. An officer looks to control the posture, structure and base of the subject. For a takedown, the officer must control at least two of the three to secure a takedown.



20. A takedown is always necessary when arresting and handcuffing a subject.



21. What is concerning about crisis is that a person's typical problem-solving methods and coping mechanisms no longer work



22. While talking to Matt, you try to empathize with Matt by asking yourself

how would you react if you lost everything?

what are Matt's interests?

what are the issues 'Below the Line'?

does Matt blame Amanda for causing his world to collapse?

23. You see a man that is suspected of shoplifting standing in front of a house. As you get closer the male turns around and walks into the house. Given that he left the door is open, the best course of action would be to

stay in fresh pursuit and rush into the house and arrest the man

reposition to the back of the house in case he tries to flee

call the K9 Unit

try to collect more information by going to the front door and attempting to talk him from the door

24. An officer talks to man who has baricaded himself in a washroom and has a knife. The man tells the officer that he has given up on life and wants it to end it. At that point the officer should diagnose the man with depression



25. You turn on your roof ligts and have a car pull over onto the right shoulder of a busy highway. Given the situation, the biggest risk is

the dangers associated to the possibility of the driver having a gun

the dangers associatetd to the possibility of the driver is impaired

the dangers associated to being out in traffic on a busy road

the dangers associatetd to the possibility of the driver leaving the car

26. You and your partner are dealing with a male. You are standing off to the man's left and your partner is off to his right. As you ask him questions, your partner draws her gun. A reasonable explaination that jusifies the difference between your use of force option (communication) and hers (lethal force) could be

the officers have different fears and experiences

the relative positioning of the officers to the subject provided different view points

one of the officers is incompetent

one of the officers is unlawful

27. Offiers must keep in mind that

seeing is believing

believing is seeing

Distance = Time

the law is the law

28. You are on foot patrol on a downtown street. You see a man standing in front of a store and the window is broken and there is glass on the ground. The man is unsteady on his feet and appears to be talking to himself. Based on the situation,

there is an immediate need to act because the male may still be holding the tool he used to smash the window, therefore you should access your firearm

there is no need for an immediate response, therefore watch the male and his surroundings so that you can collect more information about the situation and the subject

there is an immedate need to act, therefore you should access an intermediate weapon

there no imminent threat therefore you should consider disengaging

29. Rapport is the beginning of a relationship that is based in





30. Ambiguous hooks are

dangerous and should be avoided


are hooks that are dependent on context

impossible to manage

31. With respect to communication, noise can be

literal and spiritual

literal and psychological

psychological and spiritual

technological and location

32. The Refusal Approach includes

telling the person what the reason is for the interaction

the use of empathy to persuade the person

building rapport

collaborating with the person to come up with solutions

Reference no: EM133532909

Questions Cloud

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