Reference no: EM132360321
Reading: "The Story of an Hour" textbook
"A Rose for Emily" textbook
"The Birth-Mark" text book
I Setting: reference text.
1. Define Setting. Use complete sentences.
2. Write an essay discussing what affect the setting has in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily."
The essay should be no less than half a page.
a. Questions to consider:
i. What is the time period?
ii. In what country does the story occur?
iii. What is the time of year?
iv. Do any physical elements challenge the characters?
v. What sights and sounds are present?
J Symbol: reference text.
1. Define Symbol/Symbolism. Use complete sentences.
2. Write an essay discussing a specific symbol from either Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" or Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birth-Mark." The essay should be no less than half a page.
a. Questions to consider:
i. What could be the symbolic meaning of doors and windows?
ii. What could the desire to care for a stray cat symbolize?
hi_ Do the seasons of the year convey any symbolic importance?
iv. Can physical elements such as rain or sunshine symbolize an emotion?
v. Of what symbolic significance is a garden or bed?